Printing at the SDCC
Print services at the SDCC is only provided on the main RHIC general interactive system, This system is a RHIC only system. No printing services are available on other systems at the SDCC.
Listing Available Printers
The command lpstat -t lists all print queues on
Setting a Default Print Queue
To set your default printer, define the PRINTER environment variable to the print queue of your choice.
Other Print Commands
lp -d queue_name file_name - Submits file_name to printer queue queue_name for printing.(To set a default printer, define the PRINTER environment variable.)
lpstat -o queue_name - Lists jobs that have been submitted to the printer identified by queue_name.
lpstat -t - Lists all print queues.
lpstat -d - Lists the default print queue.
cancel request-ID - Remove the print job identified by request-ID from the print queue (i.e., cancel the print job). Obtain the ID from the lpstat command.