• Jupyter Infrastructure Migration

    By Anonymous |

    2/18/2025 11:00 am — 2/18/2025 2:00 pm

    Group Responsible:
    IT Fabric

    Affected Area:

    Expected Impact:
    Service Unavailable

    Maintenance Type:
    Planned Maintenance/Downtime

    jupyter.sdcc.bnl.gov infrastructure will be migrated to Alma 9 on Tuesday starting 11:00am.
    This will terminate any running jobs you may have.

    During this time the service will be unavailable to users, please be aware.

    After the migration HTC and HPC jobs will be spawned in the Alma9 environment.

    Estimated duration time: 3h.

  • SDCC Globus Server update

    By Anonymous |

    1/16/2025 10:00 am — 1/16/2025 11:00 am

    Group Responsible:
    IT Services

    Affected Area:
    Globus Wed acccess

    Expected Impact:
    access will unavailable and current sessions ended

    Maintenance Type:
    Planned Maintenance/Downtime

    Tomorrow 1/16/2025 The Globus server for SDCC will be updated. During this time access to the globus website (https://app.globus.org/) will be unavailable.

  • Mattermost Maintenance

    By Anonymous |

    1/9/2025 9:00 am — 1/9/2025 10:00 am

    Group Responsible:
    IT Services

    Affected Area:
    Mattermost CHAT

    Expected Impact:
    access will unavailable and current sessions ended

    Maintenance Type:
    Planned Maintenance/Downtime

    Mattermost will be down for Maintenance on Thursday 01/09/2025 between 9:00AM and 10:00AM and will be unavailable.

  • SDCC fully operational after electrical maintenance work

    By Anonymous |

    12/30/2024 10:00 am — 12/30/2024 4:45 pm

    Group Responsible:
    IT Fabric

    Affected Area:
    All SDCC services

    Expected Impact:
    No access to SDCC resources (computing, storage and services)

    Maintenance Type:
    Planned Maintenance/Downtime

    The SDCC is fully operational again, following the electrical maintenance work today. If you experience
    any problems accessing facility services or resources, please create a RT ticket
    (https://www.sdcc.bnl.gov/help/reporting-problems) and report it.

  • Update on the BNL electrical grid activity on 12/30

    By Anonymous |

    12/30/2024 9:00 am — 12/30/2024 6:00 pm

    Group Responsible:
    IT Fabric

    Affected Area:
    All SDCC services

    Expected Impact:
    No access to SDCC resources (computing, storage and services)

    Maintenance Type:
    Planned Maintenance/Downtime

    A critical maintenance/replacement procedure on the BNL main electrical grid scheduled for Monday, Dec. 30th was announced
    to the SDCC on very short-notice last week. This procedure is planned to start around 12 noon and last approximately 4 hours.
    We recognize this procedure is happening during the BNL-declared "quiet period", but a postponement
    would incur increased costs to the Lab and potentially place this must-do procedure during the start-up period for RHIC run 25,
    which is deemed even less desirable than the current plan. BNL management has decided to go ahead with the Dec. 30th
    procedure, as planned.

    This procedure requires transferring the power source from the electrical utility to the back-up generator, with an UPS to
    bridge the time gap (a few seconds) between utility and generator power, and then remain on generator power for the duration
    of this procedure. Because there is a small risk of failure during the transfer process and in generator operations and because of
    reduced staff availability during the BNL quiet period, the SDCC management has decided to quiet down the facility resources
    to minimize the chances of data corruption, service disruptions and hardware failures, in the unlikely event that an unplanned
    power outage occurs.

    Quieting down means: 1) draining batch jobs (HTCondor and Slurm), holding new ones from starting and stopping interactive
    access to SDCC cpu resources on SUNDAY (DEC., 29TH) AT 3 PM ET and 2) stopping all data read/write and movement activities
    (disk and tape) on MONDAY (DEC. 30TH) AT 9AM ET.

    Announcements to SDCC Liaisons and program/experimental PoCs will be made when SDCC resources are fully available again.

  • work on BNL electrical grid on 12/30 and impact on SDCC resource

    By Anonymous |

    12/30/2024 9:00 am — 12/30/2024 6:00 pm

    Group Responsible:
    IT Fabric

    Affected Area:
    All SDCC services

    Expected Impact:
    No access to SDCC resources (computing, storage and services)

    Maintenance Type:
    Planned Maintenance/Downtime

    A critical maintenance/replacement procedure on the BNL main electrical grid scheduled for Monday, Dec. 30th was announced
    to the SDCC on very short-notice last week. This procedure is planned to start around 12 noon and last approximately 4 hours.
    We recognize this procedure is happening during the BNL-declared "quiet period", but a postponement would incur increased
    costs to the Lab and potentially place this must-do procedure during the start-up period for RHIC run 25, which is deemed even
    less desirable than the current plan. BNL management has decided to go ahead with the Dec. 30th procedure, as planned.

    This procedure requires transferring the power source from the electrical utility to the back-up generator, with an UPS to
    bridge the time gap (a few seconds) between utility and generator power, and then remain on generator power for the duration
    of this procedure. Because there is a small risk of failure during the transfer process and generator operations and because of
    reduced staff availability during the "quiet period", the SDCC management has decided to quiet down the facility resources to
    minimize the chances of data corruption, service disruptions and hardware failures, in the unlikely event that an unplanned
    power outage occurs.

    Quieting down means: 1) draining batch jobs (HTCondor and Slurm), holding new ones from starting and stopping interactive
    access to SDCC cpu resources on Friday (Dec. 27th) evening and 2) stopping all data read/write and movement activities
    (disk and tape) on Monday (Dec. 30th) early morning.

    Announcements to SDCC Liaisons and program/experimental PoC's will be made when SDCC resources are fully available again.

  • NoMachine/NX Service Update

    By Anonymous |

    12/9/2024 11:30 am — 12/9/2024 12:00 pm

    Group Responsible:
    Services & Tools

    Affected Area:
    The NX service will not be available during this time.

    Expected Impact:
    All NX sessions will be terminated, please save your work.

    Maintenance Type:
    Planned Maintenance/Downtime

    The NoMachine/NX service is being updated on Monday December 9th. This includes system upgrade to RHEL 8 and NoMachine software version 8 update along with the production license transfer.
    The NX services on the old NX servers nxterm01/nxterm02/nxterm03/nxterm04/nxcampus01 will be terminated.
    Please move to the new upgraded NX service as soon as possible, instructions here - https://www.sdcc.bnl.gov/information/nxnomachine-service-sdcc

  • Updates to SDCC Mail Requirements

    By Anonymous |

    9/30/2024 4:30 pm — 9/30/2024 4:30 pm

    Group Responsible:
    Services & Tools

    Affected Area:
    Mail services

    Expected Impact:
    Users will need to update their maill passwords and use VPN/SSH

    Maintenance Type:

    As of September 2024, Cyber Security has issued new mandates around RHIC mail that affects all users. This announcement outlines the new requirements.

    Effective September 26, the SMTP port will be blocked from use outside of the campus. Users will need to either connect through VPN or will need a separate SSH tunnel to send mail through the RHIC SMTP port. More information is available at https://www.sdcc.bnl.gov/services/email-services/email-client-configura…

    The new requirements also mandate that any new or updated email password must be at least 16 characters long. Users whose email passwords don't currently comply with existing requirements will be contacted to change their passwords, which will need to meet this new 16-character mandate.

  • Update Reboot of admingw00 and stffgw00 Servers on 08/06/2024

    By Anonymous |

    8/6/2024 9:00 am — 8/6/2024 10:00 am

    Group Responsible:
    IT Services

    Affected Area:
    ssh access

    Expected Impact:
    aacces wil unavailable and current sessions ended

    Maintenance Type:
    Planned Maintenance/Downtime

    admingw00 and staffgw00 are scheduled to be updated tomorrow between 9-10 AM, there will be a short down time for the required reboot. Please use admingw01 and staffgw01 during this time to avoid any disruptions in your connections

  • NX servers - System maintenance - Time change

    By Anonymous |

    5/15/2024 8:00 am — 5/15/2024 9:00 am

    Group Responsible:
    IT Services

    Affected Area:
    The NX service will not be available during the reboot.

    Expected Impact:
    The NX sessions will be terminated, save your work.

    Maintenance Type:
    Planned Maintenance/Downtime

    The NX servers nxterm(01-04),nxcampus01 will be rebooted tomorrow Wednesday