Enable SSH agent forwarding, and use your uploaded SSH key to log into one of the gateways:
Group | Host |
STAR | Special interactive nodes only accessible to selected users: rcas6001-6004 General purpose interactive: rcas6005-6016 |
PHENIX | General purpose interactive: rcas2061-2068 |
SPHENIX | General purpose interactive: sphnx01-08 Development host: sphnxdev01 Central job submission: phnxsub01-04 |
ATLAS T3 | General purpose interactive: spar0101-0108 |
EIC | General purpose interactive: eic0101-0112 |
DUNE | General purpose interactive: dune0001-0004 |
Astro | General purpose interactive: astro0101-0104 |
Theory/BRAHMS/Misc | General purpose interactive: rlnxsp01-02 |
General interactive (Belle II, NPPS, etc.) | General purpose interactive: spool0001-0002 |
Example of ~/.ssh/config
Using ProxyJump through the gateway to the spar hosts:
Host spar*
User your_username
Hostname %h.usatlas.bnl.gov
ProxyJump your_username@ssh.sdcc.bnl.gov