By John Steven De… |

Managing users, groups, and AUP agreements

See: IAM Documentation for Administrators

Obtaining proxies from IAM

In both cases, ensure that an entry exists for the ATLAS IAM server ( in `/etc/vomses`; if not, create an entry with the following content:

"atlas" "" "443" "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/" "atlas"

Obtaining an x.509 proxy

For a VOMS proxy:

voms-proxy-init --vomses --voms atlas

For an ARC proxy:

arcproxy --vomses --voms atlas

Obtaining a token

  1. Start oidc-agent
  2. # Get a one-time refresh token (only needed the first time registering; enter the generated code when prompted):
    oidc-gen --flow=device --issuer= --scope-all atlas
    # After the first registration, skip the step above and instead simply add access to the refresh token:
    oidc-add atlas
  3. # Obtain the new token:
    oidc-token atlas


More Information:

WLCG AuthZ Documentation