Oracle8 SQL Reference 
Release 8.0 




For the current transaction, to:

The operations performed by a SET TRANSACTION statement affect only your current transaction, not other users or other transactions. Your transaction ends whenever you issue a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement. Note also that Oracle implicitly commits the current transaction before and after executing a data definition language statement.


If you use a SET TRANSACTION statement, it must be the first statement in your transaction. However, a transaction need not have a SET TRANSACTION statement.



Keywords and Parameters


establishes the current transaction as a read-only transaction. See also rom. 


establishes the current transaction as a read-write transaction. 


specifies how transactions containing database modifications are handled. 



specifies serializable transaction isolation mode as defined in SQL92. If a serializable transaction contains data manipulation language (DML) that attempts to update any resource that may have been updated in a transaction uncommitted at the start of the serializable transaction, then the DML statement fails. 



Note: The COMPATIBLE initialization parameter must be set to 7.3.0 or higher for SERIALIZABLE mode to work. 



is the default Oracle transaction behavior. If the transaction contains DML that requires row locks held by another transaction, then the DML statement waits until the row locks are released. 


assigns the current transaction to the specified rollback segment. This option also implicitly establishes the transaction as a read-write transaction. 


You cannot use the READ ONLY option and the USE ROLLBACK SEGMENT clause in a single SET TRANSACTION statement or in different statements in the same transaction. Read-only transactions do not generate rollback information and therefore are not assigned rollback segments. See also "Assigning Transactions to Rollback Segments"


Establishing Read-Only Transactions

The default state for all transactions is statement-level read consistency. You can explicitly specify this state by issuing a SET TRANSACTION statement with the READ WRITE option.

You can establish transaction-level read consistency by issuing a SET TRANSACTION statement with the READ ONLY option. After a transaction has been established as read-only, all subsequent queries in that transaction only see changes committed before the transaction began. Read-only transactions are very useful for reports that run multiple queries against one or more tables while other users update these same tables.

Only the following statements are permitted in a read-only transaction:

INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements and SELECT statements with the FOR UPDATE clause are not permitted. Any DDL statement implicitly ends the read-only transaction.

The read consistency that read-only transactions provide is implemented in the same way as statement-level read consistency. Every statement by default uses a consistent view of the data as of the time the statement is issued. Read-only transactions present a consistent view of the data as of the time that the SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY statement is issued. Read-only transactions provide read consistency is for all nodes accessed by distributed queries and local queries.

You cannot toggle between transaction-level read consistency and statement-level read consistency in the same transaction. A SET TRANSACTION statement can only be issued as the first statement of a transaction.


The following statements could be run at midnight of the last day of every month to count how many ships and containers the company owns. This report would not be affected by any other user who might be adding or removing ships and/or containers.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM container 

The last COMMIT statement does not actually make permanent any changes to the database. It simply ends the read-only transaction.

Assigning Transactions to Rollback Segments

If you issue a DML statement in a transaction, Oracle assigns the transaction to a rollback segment. The rollback segment holds the information necessary to undo the changes made by the transaction. You can issue a SET TRANSACTION statement with the USE ROLLBACK SEGMENT clause to choose a specific rollback segment for your transaction. If you do not choose a rollback segment, Oracle chooses one randomly and assigns your transaction to it.

SET TRANSACTION lets you to assign transactions of different types to rollback segments of different sizes:


The following statement assigns your current transaction to the rollback segment OLTP_5:


Related Topics


STORAGE clause


To specify storage characteristics for tables, indexes, clusters, and rollback segments, and the default storage characteristics for tablespaces. See also "Specifying Storage Parameters".


The STORAGE clause can appear in commands that create or alter any of the following schema objects:

To change the value of a STORAGE parameter, you must have the privileges necessary to use the appropriate create or alter command.



Keywords and Parameters


specifies the size in bytes of the object's first extent. Oracle allocates space for this extent when you create the schema object. You can use K or M to specify this size in kilobytes or megabytes. The default value is the size of 5 data blocks. The minimum value is the size of 2 data blocks. The maximum value depends on your operating system. Oracle rounds values up to the next multiple of the data block size for values less than 5 data blocks, and rounds up to the next multiple of 5 data blocks for values greater than 5 data blocks. 


specifies the size in bytes of the next extent to be allocated to the object. You can use K or M to specify the size in kilobytes or megabytes. The default value is the size of 5 data blocks. The minimum value is the size of 1 data block. The maximum value depends on your operating system. Oracle rounds values up to the next multiple of the data block size for values less than 5 data blocks. For values greater than 5 data blocks, Oracle rounds up to a value that minimizes fragmentation, as described in Oracle8 Concepts


specifies the percent by which the third and subsequent extents grow over the preceding extent. The default value is 50, meaning that each subsequent extent is 50% larger than the preceding extent. The minimum value is 0, meaning all extents after the first are the same size. The maximum value depends on your operating system. 


You cannot specify PCTINCREASE for rollback segments. Rollback segments always have a PCTINCREASE value of 0. 


Oracle rounds the calculated size of each new extent up to the next multiple of the data block size. 


specifies the total number of extents to allocate when the object is created. This parameter enables you to allocate a large amount of space when you create an object, even if the space available is not contiguous. The default and minimum value is 1, meaning that Oracle only allocates the initial extent, except for rollback segments for which the default and minimum value is 2. The maximum value depends on your operating system. 


If the MINEXTENTS value is greater than 1, then Oracle calculates the size of subsequent extents based on the values of the INITIAL, NEXT, and PCTINCREASE parameters. 


specifies the total number of extents, including the first, that Oracle can allocate for the object. The minimum value is 1 (except for rollback segments, which always have a minimum value of 2). The default and maximum values depend your data block size. 



specifies that extents should be allocated automatically as needed. Do not use this option for rollback segments. 


See also "Rollback Segments and MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED"


for schema objects other than tablespace, specifies the number of groups of free lists for a table, partition, cluster, or index. The default and minimum value for this parameter is 1. Only use this parameter if you are using Oracle with the Parallel Server option in parallel mode. 


for objects other than tablespace, specifies the number of groups of free lists for each of the free list groups for the table, partition, cluster, or index. The default and minimum value for this parameter is 1, meaning that each free list group contains one free list. The maximum value of this parameter depends on the data block size. If you specify a FREELISTS value that is too large, Oracle returns an error message indicating the maximum value. 


You can specify the FREELISTS and the FREELIST GROUPS parameters only in CREATE TABLE, CREATE CLUSTER, and CREATE INDEX statements. 


is relevant only to rollback segments. It specifies an optimal size in bytes for a rollback segment. You can use K or M to specify this size in kilobytes or megabytes. Oracle tries to maintain this size for the rollback segment by dynamically deallocating extents when their data is no longer needed for active transactions. Oracle deallocates as many extents as possible without reducing the total size of the rollback segment below the OPTIMAL value. 



specifies no optimal size for the rollback segment, meaning that Oracle never deallocates the rollback segment's extents. This is the default behavior. 


The value of this parameter cannot be less than the space initially allocated for the rollback segment specified by the MINEXTENTS, INITIAL, NEXT, and PCTINCREASE parameters. The maximum value depends on your operating system. Oracle rounds values up to the next multiple of the data block size. 


defines a default buffer pool (cache) for a schema object. All blocks for the object are stored in the specified cache. If a buffer pool is defined for a partitioned table or index, then the partitions inherit the buffer pool from the table or index definition, unless overridden by a partition-level definition.  

Note: BUFFER_POOL is not a valid option for creating or altering tablespaces or rollback segments. For more information about using multiple buffer pools, see Oracle8 Tuning



retains the schema object in memory to avoid I/O operations. 



eliminates blocks from memory as soon as they are no longer needed, thus preventing an object from taking up unnecessary cache space. 



always exists for objects not assigned to KEEP or RECYCLE. 


Specifying Storage Parameters

The storage parameters affect both how long it takes to access data stored in the database and how efficiently space in the database is used. For a discussion of the effects of these parameters, see Oracle8 Tuning.

When you create a tablespace, you can specify values for the storage parameters. These values serve as default values for segments allocated in the tablespace.

When you create a cluster, index, rollback segment, snapshot, snapshot log, or table, you can specify values for the storage parameters for the segments allocated to these objects. If you omit any storage parameter, Oracle uses the value of that parameter specified for the tablespace. However, when creating a rollback segment, you cannot specify PCTINCREASE (which is always 0) or MINEXTENTS (which is always 2).

When you alter a cluster, index, rollback segment, snapshot, snapshot log, or table, you can change the values of storage parameters. The new values only affect future extent allocations. For this reason, you cannot change the values of the INITIAL and MINEXTENTS parameter. If you change the value of the NEXT parameter, the next allocated extent will have the specified size, regardless of the size of the most recently allocated extent and the value of the PCTINCREASE parameter. If you change the value of the PCTINCREASE parameter, Oracle calculates the size of the next extent using this new value and the size of the most recently allocated extent.

When you alter a tablespace, you can change the values of storage parameters. The new values serve as default values only to subsequently allocated segments (or subsequently created objects).

Rollback Segments and MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED

It is not good practice to create or alter a rollback segment to use MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED. Rogue transactions containing inserts, updates, or deletes, that continue for a long time will continue to create new extents until a disk is full.

A rollback segment that you create without specifying the STORAGE option has the same storage parameters as the tablespace that the rollback segment is created in. Thus, if the tablespace is created with MAXEXTENT UNLIMITED, then the rollback segment would also have the same default.


Example I

The following statement creates a table and provides storage parameter values:

    (deptno     NUMBER(2), 
     dname      VARCHAR2(14), 
     loc        VARCHAR2(13) ) 
     STORAGE  ( INITIAL 100K  NEXT     50K 
                  MINEXTENTS 1  MAXEXTENTS 50  PCTINCREASE 5 ); 

Oracle allocates space for the table based on the STORAGE parameter values as follows:

Example II

The following statement creates a rollback segment and provides storage parameter values:

              MINEXTENTS 2  MAXEXTENTS 25 
               OPTIMAL 50K ); 

Oracle allocates space for the rollback segment based on the STORAGE parameter values as follows:

Related Topics




A subquery is a form of the SELECT command that appears inside another SQL statement. A subquery is sometimes called a nested query. The statement containing a subquery is called the parent statement. The rows returned by the subquery are used by the parent statement. See also "Using Subqueries".




Keywords and Parameters


specifies that the subquery cannot be updated. 


specifies that, if the subquery is used in place of a table in an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, changes to that table that would produce rows excluded from the subquery are prohibited. In other words, the following statement: 


INSERT INTO (SELECT ename, deptno FROM emp
             WHERE deptno < 10)
       VALUES ('Taylor', 20);

would be legal, but 

INSERT INTO (SELECT ename, deptno FROM emp
             WHERE deptno < 10
               WITH CHECK OPTION)
       VALUES ('Taylor', 20);

would be rejected. 


informs Oracle that the column value returned by the subquery is a nested table, not a scalar value. A subquery prefixed by THE is called a flattened subquery. "Using Flattened Subqueries"

TABLE (nested_table_column) 

identifies the nested table column correlated to the outer query. 


Other keywords and parameters function as they are described in SELECT. For more information, see "Correlated Subqueries", "Selecting from the DUAL Table", "Using Sequences", and "Distributed Queries".

Using Subqueries

Use subqueries for the following purposes:

A subquery answers multiple-part questions. For example, to determine who works in Taylor's department, you can first use a subquery to determine the department in which Taylor works. You can then answer the original question with the parent SELECT statement.

A subquery is evaluated once for the entire parent statement, in contrast to a correlated subquery which is evaluated once per row processed by the parent statement.

A subquery can itself contain a subquery. Oracle places no limit on the level of query nesting.

Example I

To determine who works in Taylor's department, issue the following statement:

SELECT ename, deptno 
    FROM emp 
    WHERE deptno = 
        (SELECT deptno 
            FROM emp 
            WHERE ename = 'TAYLOR');
Example II

To give all employees in the EMP table a 10% raise if they have not already been issued a bonus (if they do not appear in the BONUS table), issue the following statement:

    SET sal = sal * 1.1
    WHERE empno NOT IN (SELECT empno FROM bonus);
Example III

To create a duplicate of the DEPT table named NEWDEPT, issue the following statement:

CREATE TABLE newdept (deptno, dname, loc) 
    AS SELECT deptno, dname, loc FROM dept;

Using Flattened Subqueries

To manipulate the individual rows of a nested table stored in a database column, use the keyword THE. You must prefix THE to a subquery that returns a single column value or an expression that yields a nested table. If the subquery returns more than a single column value, a run-time error results. Because the value is a nested table, not a scalar value, Oracle must be informed, which is what THE does.

The following example adds a new row to department 40's nested table stored in column PROJECTS:

  THE(SELECT projects FROM dept WHERE deptno = 40)
  VALUES(33, 'Install new email system', 14875); 

This example increases the budgets for two projects assigned to department 70:

  THE(SELECT projects FROM dept WHERE deptno = 70) 
    SET budget = budget + 1000
    WHERE projno IN (24, 25);

Correlated Subqueries

A correlated subquery is a subquery that is evaluated once for each row processed by the parent statement. The parent statement can be a SELECT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. The following examples show the general syntax of a correlated subquery:

SELECT select_list 
    FROM table1 t_alias1 
    WHERE expr operator 
        (SELECT column_list 
            FROM table2 t_alias2 
            WHERE t_alias1.column 
               operator t_alias2.column); 
UPDATE table1 t_alias1 
    SET column = 
        (SELECT expr 
            FROM table2 t_alias2 
            WHERE t_alias1.column = t_alias2.column); 
DELETE FROM table1 t_alias1 
    WHERE column operator 
        (SELECT expr 
            FROM table2 t_alias2 
            WHERE t_alias1.column = t_alias2.column); 

This discussion focuses on correlated subqueries in SELECT statements; it also applies to correlated subqueries in UPDATE and DELETE statements.

You can use a correlated subquery to answer a multiple-part question whose answer depends on the value in each row processed by the parent statement. For example, a correlated subquery can be used to determine which employees earn more than the average salaries for their departments. In this case, the correlated subquery specifically computes the average salary for each department.

Oracle performs a correlated subquery when the subquery references a column from a table from the parent statement.

Oracle resolves unqualified columns in the subquery by looking in the tables of the subquery, then in the tables of the parent statement, then in the tables of the next enclosing parent statement, and so on. Oracle resolves all unqualified columns in the subquery to the same table. If the tables in a subquery and parent query contain a column with the same name, a reference to the column of a table from the parent query must be prefixed by the table name or alias. To make your statements easier for you to read, always qualify the columns in a correlated subquery with the table, view, or snapshot name or alias.

In an UPDATE statement, you can use a correlated subquery to update rows in one table based on rows from another table. For example, you could use a correlated subquery to roll up four quarterly sales tables into a yearly sales table.

In a DELETE statement, you can use a correlated query to delete only those rows that also exist in another table.


The following statement returns data about employees whose salaries exceed the averages for their departments. The following statement assigns an alias to EMP, the table containing the salary information, and then uses the alias in a correlated subquery:

SELECT deptno, ename, sal 
    FROM emp x 
    WHERE sal > (SELECT AVG(sal) 
          FROM emp 
          WHERE x.deptno = deptno) 
    ORDER BY deptno; 

For each row of the EMP table, the parent query uses the correlated subquery to compute the average salary for members of the same department. The correlated subquery performs these steps for each row of the EMP table:

  1. The DEPTNO of the row is determined.
  2. The DEPTNO is then used to evaluate the parent query.
  3. If that row's salary is greater than the average salary for that row's department, then the row is returned.

The subquery is evaluated once for each row of the EMP table.

Selecting from the DUAL Table

DUAL is a table automatically created by Oracle along with the data dictionary. DUAL is in the schema of the user SYS, but is accessible by the name DUAL to all users. It has one column, DUMMY, defined to be VARCHAR2(1), and contains one row with a value 'X'. Selecting from the DUAL table is useful for computing a constant expression with the SELECT command. Because DUAL has only one row, the constant is returned only once. Alternatively, you can select a constant, pseudocolumn, or expression from any table.


The following statement returns the current date:


You could select SYSDATE from the EMP table, but Oracle would return 14 rows of the same SYSDATE, one for every row of the EMP table. Selecting from DUAL is more convenient.

Using Sequences

The sequence pseudocolumns NEXTVAL and CURRVAL can also appear in the select list of a SELECT statement. For information on sequences and their use, see CREATE SEQUENCE and "Pseudocolumns".


The following statement increments the ZSEQ sequence and returns the new value:

SELECT zseq.nextval 
    FROM dual; 

The following statement selects the current value of ZSEQ:

SELECT zseq.currval 
    FROM dual;

Distributed Queries

Oracle's distributed database management system architecture allows you to access data in remote databases using Net8 and an Oracle server. You can identify a remote table, view, or snapshot by appending @dblink to the end of its name. The dblink must be a complete or partial name for a database link to the database containing the remote table, view, or snapshot. For more information on referring to database links, see "Referring to Objects in Remote Databases".

Distributed queries are currently subject to the restriction that all tables locked by a FOR UPDATE clause and all tables with LONG columns selected by the query must be located on the same database. For example, the following statement will cause an error:

SELECT emp_ny.* 
    FROM emp_ny@ny, dept 
    WHERE emp_ny.deptno = dept.deptno 
    AND dept.dname = 'ACCOUNTING' 
    FOR UPDATE OF emp_ny.sal; 

The following statement fails because it selects LONG_COLUMN, a LONG value, from the EMP_REVIEW table on the NY database and locks the EMP table on the local database:

SELECT emp.empno, review.long_column, emp.sal 
    FROM emp, emp_review@ny review 
    WHERE emp.empno = emp_review.empno 
    FOR UPDATE OF emp.sal;

This example shows a query that joins the DEPT table on the local database with the EMP table on the HOUSTON database:

SELECT ename, dname 
    FROM emp@houston, dept 
    WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno;

Related Topics




To remove all rows from a table or cluster and reset the STORAGE parameters to the values when the table or cluster was created. See also "Truncating Tables and Clusters". For illustrations, see "Examples".


The table or cluster must be in your schema or you must have DROP ANY TABLE system privilege. See also "Restrictions".



Keywords and Parameters


is the schema to contain the trigger. If you omit schema, Oracle creates the trigger in your own schema. 


specifies the schema and name of the table to be truncated. You can truncate index-organized tables. This table cannot be part of a cluster. 


When you truncate a table, Oracle also automatically deletes all data in the table's indexes. 


specifies whether a snapshot log defined on the table is to be preserved or purged when the table is truncated. This clause allows snapshot master tables to be reorganized through export/import without affecting the ability of primary-key snapshots defined on the master to be fast refreshed. To support continued fast refresh of primary-key snapshots the snapshot log must record primary-key information. For more information about snapshot logs and the TRUNCATE command, see Oracle8 Replication



specifies that any snapshot log should be preserved when the master table is truncated. This is the default. 



specifies that any snapshot log should be purged when the master table is truncated. 


specifies the schema and name of the cluster to be truncated. You can only truncate an indexed cluster, not a hash cluster. 


When you truncate a cluster, Oracle also automatically deletes all data in the cluster's tables' indexes. 


deallocates the space from the deleted rows from the table or cluster. This space can subsequently be used by other objects in the tablespace. This is the default. 


retains the space from the deleted rows allocated to the table or cluster. Storage values are not reset to the values when the table or cluster was created. This space can subsequently be used only by new data in the table or cluster resulting from inserts or updates. 


The DROP STORAGE and REUSE STORAGE options also apply to the space freed by the data deleted from associated indexes. 


Truncating Tables and Clusters

You can use the TRUNCATE command to quickly remove all rows from a table or cluster. Removing rows with the TRUNCATE command is faster than removing them with the DELETE command for the following reasons:

The TRUNCATE command allows you to optionally deallocate the space freed by the deleted rows. The DROP STORAGE option deallocates all but the space specified by the table's MINEXTENTS parameter.

Deleting rows with the TRUNCATE command is also more convenient than dropping and re-creating a table because dropping and re-creating:


When you truncate a table, NEXT is automatically reset to the last extent deleted.

You cannot individually truncate a table that is part of a cluster. You must either truncate the cluster, delete all rows from the table, or drop and re-create the table.

You cannot truncate the parent table of an enabled referential integrity constraint. You must disable the constraint before truncating the table. (An exception is that you may truncate the table if the integrity constraint is self-referential.)

You cannot roll back a TRUNCATE statement.


Example I

The following statement deletes all rows from the EMP table and returns the freed space to the tablespace containing EMP:


The above statement also deletes all data from all indexes on EMP and returns the freed space to the tablespaces containing them.

Example II

The following statement deletes all rows from all tables in the CUST cluster, but leaves the freed space allocated to the tables:


The above statement also deletes all data from all indexes on the tables in CUST.

Example III

The following statements are examples of truncate statements that preserve snapshot logs:


Related Topics




To change existing values in a table or in a view's base table.


Descriptions of commands and clauses preceded by  are available only if the Oracle objects option is installed on your database server. 


You can use comments in an UPDATE statement to pass instructions, or hints, to the Oracle optimizer. The optimizer uses hints to choose an execution plan for the statement. For more information, see Oracle8 Tuning.

You can place a parallel hint immediately after the UPDATE keyword to parallelize both the underlying scan and UPDATE operations. For detailed information about parallel DML, see Oracle8 Tuning, Oracle8 Parallel Server Concepts & Administration, and Oracle8 Concepts.


For you to update values in a table, the table must be in your own schema or you must have UPDATE privilege on the table.

For you to update values in the base table of a view,

If the SQL92_SECURITY initialization parameter is set to TRUE, then you must have SELECT privilege on the table whose column values you are referencing (such as the columns in a WHERE clause) to perform an UPDATE.

The UPDATE ANY TABLE system privilege also allows you to update values in any table or any view's base table.



Keywords and Parameters


is the schema containing the table or view. If you omit schema, Oracle assumes the table or view is in your own schema. 

table / view 

is the name of the table to be updated. Issuing an UPDATE statement against a table fires any UPDATE triggers associated with the table. If you specify view, Oracle updates the view's base table. See also "Updating Views"

PARTITION (partition_name) 

specifies partition-level row updates for table. The partition_name parameter may be the name of the partition within table targeted for update, or a more complicated predicate restricting the update to just one partition. See also "Updating Partitioned Tables"


is a complete or partial name of a database link to a remote database where the table or view is located. For information on referring to database links, see "Referring to Objects in Remote Databases". You can use a database link to update a remote table or view only if you are using Oracle's distributed functionality. 


If you omit dblink, Oracle assumes the table or view is on the local database. 


informs Oracle that the column value returned by the subquery is a nested table, not a scalar value. A subquery prefixed by THE is called a flattened subquery. See also "Using Flattened Subqueries"


is a subquery that Oracle treats in the same manner as a view. See also "Subqueries"


provides a different name for the table, view, or subquery to be referenced elsewhere in the statement. 

SET clause 

determines which columns are updated and what new values are stored in them. 


is the name of a column of the table or view that is to be updated. If you omit a column of the table from the SET clause, that column's value remains unchanged. 


is a subquery that returns new values that are assigned to the corresponding columns. See also "Subqueries"


is the new value assigned to the corresponding column. This expression can contain host variables and optional indicator variables. See the syntax description in "Expressions"


is a subquery that returns new values that are assigned to the corresponding columns. See also "Subqueries" and "Correlated Update"

If the SET clause contains a subquery, it must return exactly one row for each row updated. Each value in the subquery result is assigned respectively to the columns in the parenthesized list. If the subquery returns no rows, then the column is assigned a null. Subqueries may select from the table being updated.  

The SET clause may mix assignments of expressions and subqueries. 


restricts the rows updated to those for which the specified condition is TRUE. If you omit this clause, Oracle updates all rows in the table or view. See the syntax description of "Conditions" 

The WHERE clause determines the rows in which values are updated. If the WHERE clause is not specified, all rows are updated. For each row that satisfies the WHERE clause, the columns to the left of the equals (=) operator in the SET clause are set to the values of the corresponding expressions on the right. The expressions are evaluated as the row is updated. 


retrieves the rows affected by the UPDATE statement. You can only retrieve scalar, LOB, ROWID, and REF types. See also "The RETURNING Clause"


is some of the syntax descriptions in "Expressions". You must specify a column expression in the expr_list for each variable in the data_item_list


indicates that the values of the changed rows are to be stored in the data_item variable(s) specified in data_item_list. 


is a PL/SQL variable or bind variable which stores the retrieved expr value in the expr_list. 

You cannot use the returning_clause with parallel DML or with remote objects. 


Updating Views

If a view was created with the WITH CHECK OPTION, you can update the view only if the resulting data satisfies the view's defining query.

You cannot update a view if the view's defining query contains one of the following constructs:

Updating Partitioned Tables

When you create a partitioned table, you specify an ordered list of columns that determines into which partition a row or index entry belongs. These columns are the partitioning columns. The values in the partitioning columns of a row are the partitioning key for that row.

  (emp_no NUMBER(5),
   dept VARCHAR2(2),
   name VARCHAR2 (30))
     TABLESPACE ts1,
     TABLESPACE ts2 
     PARTITION educ VALUES LESS THAN (3000) );

INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (1226, 'sa', 'smith');

INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (2100, 'ed', 'jones');

In the following example, employee SMITH is updated in the EMP table:

UPDATE emp SET emp_no = 1356
  WHERE name = 'SMITH';

The following statement is rejected because updating the row would cause JONES to move to another partition:

UPDATE emp SET emp_no = 1500 
  WHERE name = 'JONES';

Attempting to change the value of one or more columns that are part of the partitioning key would cause the updated row to migrate to another partition, thereby generating an error.

Updating a Single Partition

You do not need to specify the partition name when updating values in a partitioned table. However in some cases specifying the partition name can be more efficient than a complicated WHERE clause. To target a single partition of a partitioned table whose values you want to change, specify the PARTITION clause. This syntax can be less cumbersome than using a WHERE clause.


The following example updates values in a single partition of the SALES table:

UPDATE sales PARTITION (feb96) s
   SET s.account_name = UPPER(s.account_name);

Correlated Update

If a subquery refers to columns from the updated table, Oracle evaluates the subquery once for each row, rather than once for the entire update. Such an update is called a correlated update. The reference to columns from the updated table is usually accomplished by means of a table alias.

Potentially, each row evaluated by an UPDATE statement could be updated with a different value as determined by the correlated subquery. Normal UPDATE statements update each row with the same value.

Example I

The following statement gives null commissions to all employees with the job TRAINEE:

    SET comm = NULL 
    WHERE job = 'TRAINEE';
Example II

The following statement promotes JONES to manager of Department 20 with a $1,000 raise (assuming there is only one JONES):

    SET job = 'MANAGER', sal = sal + 1000, deptno = 20 
    WHERE ename = 'JONES';
Example III

The following statement increases the balance of bank account number 5001 in the ACCOUNTS table on a remote database accessible through the database link BOSTON:

UPDATE accounts@boston 
    SET balance = balance + 500 
    WHERE acc_no = 5001;
Example IV

This example shows the following syntactic constructs of the UPDATE command:

The above UPDATE statement performs the following operations:

Example V

The following example updates particular rows of the PROJS table:

           FROM dept d WHERE d.dno = 123)  p 
  SET p.budgets = p.budgets + 1 
  WHERE p.pno IN (123, 456);


You can use a RETURNING clause to return values from updated columns, and thereby eliminate the need to perform a SELECT following the UPDATE statement.

You can also use UPDATE with a RETURNING clause to update from views with single base tables.


The following example returns values from the updated row and stores the result in PL/SQL variables BND1, BND2, BND3:

  SET job ='MANAGER', sal = sal + 1000, deptno = 20
  WHERE ename = 'JONES'
  RETURNING sal*0.25, ename, deptno INTO bnd1, bnd2, bnd3;

Related Topics


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