Oracle8 SQL Reference 
Release 8.0 




To retrieve data from one or more tables, object tables, views, object views, or snapshots.


Descriptions of commands and clauses preceded by  are available only if the Oracle objects option is installed on your database server. 


For you to select data from a table or snapshot, the table or snapshot must be in your own schema or you must have SELECT privilege on the table or snapshot.

For you to select rows from the base tables of a view,

The SELECT ANY TABLE system privilege also allows you to select data from any table or any snapshot or any view's base table.




Keywords and Parameters


returns only one copy of each set of duplicate rows selected. Duplicate rows are those with matching values for each expression in the select list. 


returns all rows selected, including all copies of duplicates. The default is ALL. 

selects all columns from all tables, views, or snapshots, listed in the FROM clause. 


selects all columns from the specified table, view, or snapshot. You can use the schema qualifier to select from a table, view, or snapshot in a schema other than your own. See also "Joins"


selects an expression. See the syntax description of expr in "Expressions"; see also "Creating Simple Queries". A column name in this list can be qualified only with schema if the table, view, or snapshot containing the column is qualified with schema in the FROM clause. 


provides a different name for the column expression and causes the alias to be used in the column heading. The AS keyword is optional. The alias effectively renames the select list item for the duration of the query. The alias can be used in the ORDER BY clause, but not other clauses in the query. 

PARTITION (partition_name) 

specifies partition-level data retrieval. The partition_name parameter may be the name of the partition within table from which to retrieve data or a more complicated predicate restricting retrieval to just one partition of the table. 


is the schema containing the selected table, view, or snapshot. If you omit schema, Oracle assumes the table, view, or snapshot is in your own schema. 

table, view, snapshot 

is the name of a table, view, or snapshot from which data is selected. 


is the complete or partial name for a database link to a remote database where the table, view, or snapshot is located. For more information on referring to database links, see the section "Referring to Objects in Remote Databases". Note that this database need not be an Oracle database. 


If you omit dblink, Oracle assumes that the table, view, or snapshot is on the local database. 


If you apply the keyword THE, the subquery must return a single column value which must be a nested table or an expression that yields a nested table. 


informs Oracle that the column value returned by the subquery is a nested table, not a scalar value. A subquery prefixed by THE is called a flattened subquery. "Using Flattened Subqueries" 

Note: You cannot use the set operators in a flattened subquery; see set operators below. 


is a subquery that is treated in the same manner as a view. "Subqueries". Oracle executes the subquery and then uses the resulting rows as a view in the FROM clause. 


provides a different name for the table, view, snapshot, or subquery for evaluating the query and is most often used in a correlated query. Other references to the table, view, or snapshot throughout the query must refer to the alias. 


restricts the rows selected to those for which the condition is TRUE. If you omit this clause, Oracle returns all rows from the tables, views, or snapshots in the FROM clause. See the syntax description of condition in "Conditions"


returns rows in a hierarchical order. See also "Hierarchical Queries"


groups the selected rows based on the value of expr for each row, and returns a single row of summary information for each group. See also "GROUP BY Clause"


restricts the groups of rows returned to those groups for which the specified condition is TRUE. If you omit this clause, Oracle returns summary rows for all groups. See also "HAVING Clause"


See also the syntax description of expr in "Expressions" and the syntax description of condition in "Conditions"

set operators:  


combine the rows returned by two SELECT statements using a set operation. To reference a column, you must use an alias to name the column. The FOR UPDATE clause cannot be used with these set operators.  

SELECT statements using THE or MULTISET keywords cannot be used with these set operators. See also "UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, and MINUS"


orders rows returned by the statement. 


expr orders rows based on their value for expr. The expression is based on columns in the select list or columns in the tables, views, or snapshots in the FROM clause. 


position orders rows based on their value for the expression in this position of the select list. 


ASC and DESC specify either ascending or descending order. ASC is the default.  

See also "ORDER BY Clause"


locks the selected rows. 



Locks the select rows only for a particular table in a join. 



returns control to you if the SELECT statement attempts to lock a row that is locked by another user. If you omit this clause, Oracle waits until the row is available and then returns the results of the SELECT statement. 


See also "FOR UPDATE Clause"


Creating Simple Queries

The list of expressions that appears after the SELECT keyword and before the FROM clause is called the select list. Each expression expr becomes the name of one column in the set of returned rows, and each table.* becomes a set of columns, one for each column in the table in the order they were defined when the table was created. The datatype and length of each expression is determined by the elements of the expression.

If two or more tables have some column names in common, you must qualify column names with names of tables. Otherwise, fully qualified column names are optional, although it is always better to explicitly qualify table and column references. Oracle often does less work with fully qualified table and column names.

You can select rows from a single partition of a partitioned table by specifying the keyword PARTITION in the FROM clause. This SQL statement assigns an alias for and retrieves rows from the NOV96 partition of the SALES table:

SELECT * FROM sales PARTITION (nov96) s
  WHERE s.amount_of_sale > 1000;

You can use a column alias, c_alias, to label the preceding expression in the select list so that the column is displayed with a new heading. The alias effectively renames the select list item for the duration of the query. The alias can be used in the ORDER BY clause, but not other clauses in the query.

If you use the DISTINCT option to return only a single copy of duplicate rows, the total number of bytes in all select list expressions is limited to the size of a data block minus some overhead. This size is specified by the initialization parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE.

You can use comments in a SELECT statement to pass instructions, or hints, to the Oracle optimizer. The optimizer uses hints to choose an execution plan for the statement. For more information on hints, see Oracle8 Tuning.

Example I

The following statement selects rows from the EMP table with the department number of 30:

    FROM emp 
    WHERE deptno = 30;
Example II

The following statement selects the name, job, salary and department number of all employees except sales people from department number 30:

SELECT ename, job, sal, deptno 
    FROM emp 
    WHERE NOT (job = 'SALESMAN' AND deptno = 30);
Example III

The following statement selects from subqueries in the FROM clause and gives departments' total employees and salaries as a decimal value of all the departments:

SELECT a.deptno "Department", 
       a.num_emp/b.total_count "%Employees", 
       a.sal_sum/b.total_sal "%Salary"
 (SELECT deptno, COUNT(*) num_emp, SUM(SAL) sal_sum
    FROM scott.emp
    GROUP BY deptno) a,
 (SELECT COUNT(*) total_count, SUM(sal) total_sal
    FROM scott.emp) b ;

Hierarchical Queries

If a table contains hierarchical data, you can select rows in a hierarchical order using the following clauses:


specifies the root row(s) of the hierarchy 


specifies the relationship between parent rows and child rows of the hierarchy 


restricts the rows returned by the query without affecting other rows of the hierarchy 


Oracle uses the information from the above clause to form the hierarchy using the following steps:

  1. Oracle selects the root row(s) of the hierarchy--those rows that satisfy the condition of the START WITH clause.
  2. Oracle selects the child rows of each root row. Each child row must satisfy the condition of the CONNECT BY clause with respect to one of the root rows.
  3. Oracle selects successive generations of child rows. Oracle first selects the children of the rows returned in step 2, and then the children of those children, and so on. Oracle always selects children by evaluating the CONNECT BY condition with respect to a current parent row.
  4. If the query contains a WHERE clause, Oracle eliminates all rows from the hierarchy that do not satisfy the condition of the WHERE clause. Oracle evaluates this condition for each row individually, rather than removing all the children of a row that does not satisfy the condition.
  5. Oracle returns the rows in the order shown in Figure 4-1. In the diagram children appear below their parents.

Figure 4-1 Hierarchical Queries


SELECT statements performing hierarchical queries are subject to the following restrictions:

The following sections discuss the START WITH and CONNECT BY clauses.


The START WITH clause identifies the row(s) to be used as the root(s) of a hierarchical query. This clause specifies a condition that the roots must satisfy. If you omit this clause, Oracle uses all rows in the table as root rows. A START WITH condition can contain a subquery.


The CONNECT BY clause specifies the relationship between parent and child rows in a hierarchical query. This clause contains a condition that defines this relationship. This condition can be any condition as described in "Conditions"; however, some part of the condition must use the PRIOR operator to refer to the parent row. The part of the condition containing the PRIOR operator must have one of the following forms:

PRIOR expr comparison_operator expr 
expr comparison_operator PRIOR expr 

To find the children of a parent row, Oracle evaluates the PRIOR expression for the parent row and the other expression for each row in the table. Rows for which the condition is true are the children of the parent. The CONNECT BY clause can contain other conditions to further filter the rows selected by the query. The CONNECT BY clause cannot contain a subquery.

If the CONNECT BY clause results in a loop in the hierarchy, Oracle returns an error. A loop occurs if one row is both the parent (or grandparent or direct ancestor) and a child (or a grandchild or a direct descendent) of another row.

Example I

The following CONNECT BY clause defines a hierarchical relationship in which the EMPNO value of the parent row is equal to the MGR value of the child row:

CONNECT BY PRIOR empno = mgr;
Example II

In the following CONNECT BY clause, the PRIOR operator applies only to the EMPNO value. To evaluate this condition, Oracle evaluates EMPNO values for the parent row and MGR, SAL, and COMM values for the child row:

CONNECT BY PRIOR empno = mgr AND sal > comm; 

To qualify as a child row, a row must have a MGR value equal to the EMPNO value of the parent row and it must have a SAL value greater than its COMM value.

The LEVEL Pseudocolumn

SELECT statements that perform hierarchical queries can use the LEVEL pseudocolumn. LEVEL returns the value 1 for a root node, 2 for a child node of a root node, 3 for a grandchild, etc. For more information on LEVEL, see the section "Pseudocolumns".

The number of levels returned by a hierarchical query may be limited by available user memory.

Example I

The following statement returns all employees in hierarchical order. The root row is defined to be the employee whose job is 'PRESIDENT'. The child rows of a parent row are defined to be those who have the employee number of the parent row as their manager number.

SELECT LPAD(' ',2*(LEVEL-1)) || ename org_chart, 
        empno, mgr, job
    FROM emp 
    CONNECT BY PRIOR empno = mgr; 

ORG_CHART    EMPNO      MGR        JOB
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------
KING               7839            PRESIDENT
  JONES            7566       7839 MANAGER
    SCOTT          7788       7566 ANALYST
      ADAMS        7876       7788 CLERK
    FORD           7902       7566 ANALYST
      SMITH        7369       7902 CLERK
  BLAKE            7698       7839 MANAGER
    ALLEN          7499       7698 SALESMAN
    WARD           7521       7698 SALESMAN
    MARTIN         7654       7698 SALESMAN
    TURNER         7844       7698 SALESMAN
      JAMES        7900       7698 CLERK
 CLARK             7782       7839 MANAGER
   MILLER          7934       7782 CLERK

The following statement is similar to the previous one, except that it does not select employees with the job 'ANALYST'.

SELECT LPAD(' ', 2*(LEVEL-1)) || ename org_chart,
     empno, mgr, job
     FROM emp
     WHERE job != 'ANALYST'
     CONNECT BY PRIOR empno = mgr;

ORG_CHART            EMPNO      MGR        JOB      
-------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------
KING                       7839            PRESIDENT
  JONES                    7566       7839 MANAGER  
      ADAMS                7876       7788 CLERK    
      SMITH                7369       7902 CLERK    
  BLAKE                    7698       7839 MANAGER  
    ALLEN                  7499       7698 SALESMAN 
    WARD                   7521       7698 SALESMAN 
    MARTIN                 7654       7698 SALESMAN 
    TURNER                 7844       7698 SALESMAN 
    JAMES                  7900       7698 CLERK    
  CLARK                    7782       7839 MANAGER  
    MILLER                 7934       7782 CLERK

Oracle does not return the analysts SCOTT and FORD, although it does return employees who are managed by SCOTT and FORD.

The following statement is similar to the first one, except that it uses the LEVEL pseudocolumn to select only the first two levels of the management hierarchy:

SELECT LPAD(' ',2*(LEVEL-1)) || ename org_chart, 
empno, mgr, job 
    FROM emp 
    CONNECT BY PRIOR empno = mgr AND LEVEL <= 2; 

ORG_CHART    EMPNO      MGR        JOB
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------
KING               7839            PRESIDENT
  JONES            7566       7839 MANAGER
  BLAKE            7698       7839 MANAGER
  CLARK            7782       7839 MANAGER


Use the GROUP BY clause to group selected rows and return a single row of summary information. Oracle collects each group of rows based on the values of the expression(s) specified in the GROUP BY clause.

If a SELECT statement contains the GROUP BY clause, the select list can contain only the following types of expressions:

Expressions in the GROUP BY clause can contain any columns in the tables, views, and snapshots in the FROM clause, regardless of whether the columns appear in the select list.

The GROUP BY clause can contain no more than 255 expressions. The total number of bytes in all expressions in the GROUP BY clause is limited to the size of a data block minus some overhead. This size is specified by the initialization parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE.

Example I

To return the minimum and maximum salaries for each department in the employee table, issue the following statement:

SELECT deptno, MIN(sal), MAX (sal)
     FROM emp
     GROUP BY deptno;

---------- ---------- ----------
        10       1300       5000
        20        800       3000
        30        950       2850
Example II

To return the minimum and maximum salaries for the clerks in each department, issue the following statement:

SELECT deptno, MIN(sal), MAX (sal)
     FROM emp
     WHERE job = 'CLERK'
     GROUP BY deptno;

---------- ---------- ----------
        10       1300      1300
        20        800      1100
        30        950       950


Use the HAVING clause to restrict which groups of rows defined by the GROUP BY clause are returned by the query. Oracle processes the WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses in the following manner:

  1. If the statement contains a WHERE clause, Oracle eliminates all rows that do not satisfy it.
  2. Oracle calculates and forms the groups as specified in the GROUP BY clause.
  3. Oracle removes all groups that do not satisfy the HAVING clause.

Specify the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses after the WHERE and CONNECT BY clauses. If both the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses are specified, they can appear in either order.

Example I

To return the minimum and maximum salaries for the clerks in each department whose lowest salary is below $1,000, issue the following statement:

SELECT deptno, MIN(sal), MAX (sal)
     FROM emp
     WHERE job = 'CLERK'
     GROUP BY deptno
     HAVING MIN(sal) < 1000;

---------- ---------- ----------
        20        800       1100
        30        950        950


The UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, and MINUS operators combine the results of two queries into a single result. The number and datatypes of the columns selected by each component query must be the same, but the column lengths can be different. For information, see "Set Operators".

If more than two queries are combined with set operators, adjacent pairs of queries are evaluated from left to right. You can use parentheses to specify a different order of evaluation.

The total number of bytes in all select list expressions of a component query is limited to the size of a data block minus some overhead. The size of a data block is specified by the initialization parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE.

You cannot use these set operators to combine the results of queries that use the THE or MULTISET keywords.


Use the ORDER BY clause to order the rows selected by a query. Without an ORDER BY clause, it is not guaranteed that the same query executed more than once will retrieve rows in the same order. The clause specifies either expressions or positions or aliases of expressions in the select list of the statement. Oracle returns rows based on their values for these expressions.

You can specify multiple expressions in the ORDER BY clause. Oracle first sorts rows based on their values for the first expression. Rows with the same value for the first expression are then sorted based on their values for the second expression, and so on. Oracle sorts nulls following all others in ascending order and preceding all others in descending order.

Sorting by position is useful in the following cases:

The mechanism by which Oracle sorts values for the ORDER BY clause is specified either explicitly by the NLS_SORT initialization parameter or implicitly by the NLS_LANGUAGE initialization parameter. For information on these parameters, see Oracle8 Reference. You can also change the sort mechanism dynamically from one linguistic sort sequence to another using the ALTER SESSION command. You can also specify a specific sort sequence for a single query by using the NLSSORT function with the NLS_SORT parameter in the ORDER BY clause.

The ORDER BY clause is subject to the following restrictions:

If you use the ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses together, the expressions that can appear in the ORDER BY clause are subject to the same restrictions as the expressions in the select list, described in the "GROUP BY Clause".

If you use the ORDER BY clause in a hierarchical query, Oracle uses the ORDER BY clause rather than the hierarchy to order the rows.

Example I

To select all salesmen's records from EMP, and order the results by commission in descending order, issue the following statement:

    FROM emp 
    WHERE job = 'SALESMAN' 
    ORDER BY comm DESC;
Example II

To select the employees from EMP ordered first by ascending department number and then by descending salary, issue the following statement:

SELECT ename, deptno, sal 
    FROM emp 
    ORDER BY deptno ASC, sal DESC; 

To select the same information as the previous SELECT and use the positional ORDER BY notation, issue the following statement:

SELECT ename, deptno, sal 
    FROM emp 


The FOR UPDATE clause locks the rows selected by the query. Once you have selected a row for update, other users cannot lock or update it until you end your transaction. The FOR UPDATE clause signals that you intend to insert, update, or delete the rows returned by the query, but does not require that you perform one of these operations. A SELECT statement with a FOR UPDATE clause is often followed by one or more UPDATE statements with WHERE clauses.

The FOR UPDATE clause cannot be used with the following other constructs:

The tables locked by the FOR UPDATE clause must all be located on the same database. These locked tables must also be on the same database as any LONG columns and sequences referenced in the same statement.

If a row selected for update is currently locked by another user, Oracle waits until the row is available, locks it, and then returns control to you. You can use the NOWAIT option to cause Oracle to terminate the statement without waiting if such a row is already locked.

The rows returned from subqueries whose column value is a nested table or a VARRAY, not a scalar value, are not locked. Only the top-level rows of such select lists are locked.

LOB Locking

Prior to updating a LOB value, you must lock the row containing the LOB. One way to lock the row is with a SELECT... FOR UPDATE statement.


INSERT INTO t_table VALUES (1, 'abcd'); 

  num_var      NUMBER; 
  clob_var     CLOB;
  clob_locked  CLOB;
  write_amount NUMBER; 
  write_offset NUMBER;
  buffer       VARCHAR2(20) := 'efg';

  SELECT clob_col INTO clob_locked FROM t_table 
  WHERE num_col = 1 FOR UPDATE; 

  write_amount := 3;
   dbms_lob.write(clob_locked, write_amount, write_offset, buffer);


The columns in the OF clause only specify which tables' rows are locked. The specific columns of the table that you specify are not significant. If you omit the OF clause, Oracle locks the selected rows from all the tables in the query.

Example I

The following statement locks rows in the EMP table with clerks located in New York and locks rows in the DEPT table with departments in New York that have clerks:

SELECT empno, sal, comm 
    FROM emp, dept 
    WHERE job = 'CLERK' 
        AND emp.deptno = dept.deptno 
        AND loc = 'NEW YORK' 
Example II

The following statement locks only those rows in the EMP table with clerks located in New York; no rows are locked in the DEPT table:

SELECT empno, sal, comm 
    FROM emp, dept 
    WHERE job = 'CLERK' 
        AND emp.deptno = dept.deptno 
        AND loc = 'NEW YORK' 
    FOR UPDATE OF emp.sal;


A join is a query that combines rows from two or more tables, views, or snapshots. Oracle performs a join whenever multiple tables appear in the query's FROM clause. The query's select list can select any columns from any of these tables. If any two of these tables have a column name in common, you must qualify all references to these columns throughout the query with table names to avoid ambiguity.

Join Conditions

Most join queries contain WHERE clause conditions that compare two columns, each from a different table. Such a condition is called a join condition. To execute a join, Oracle combines pairs of rows, each containing one row from each table, for which the join condition evaluates to TRUE. The columns in the join conditions need not also appear in the select list.

To execute a join of three or more tables, Oracle first joins two of the tables based on the join conditions comparing their columns and then joins the result to another table based on join conditions containing columns of the joined tables and the new table. Oracle continues this process until all tables are joined into the result. The optimizer determines the order in which Oracle joins tables based on the join conditions, indexes on the tables, and, in the case of the cost-based optimization approach, statistics for the tables.

In addition to join conditions, the WHERE clause of a join query can also contain other conditions that refer to columns of only one table. These conditions can further restrict the rows returned by the join query.


An equijoin is a join with a join condition containing an equality operator. An equijoin combines rows that have equivalent values for the specified columns. Depending on the internal algorithm the optimizer chooses to execute the join, the total size of the columns in the equijoin condition in a single table may be limited to the size of a data block minus some overhead. The size of a data block is specified by the initialization parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE.

Example I

This equijoin returns the name and job of each employee and the number and name of the department in which the employee works:

SELECT ename, job, dept.deptno, dname
     FROM emp, dept
     WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno;

ENAME      JOB       DEPTNO     DNAME         
---------- --------- ---------- --------------
CLARK      MANAGER           10 ACCOUNTING    
KING       PRESIDENT         10 ACCOUNTING    
MILLER     CLERK             10 ACCOUNTING    
SMITH      CLERK             20 RESEARCH      
ADAMS      CLERK             20 RESEARCH      
FORD       ANALYST           20 RESEARCH      
SCOTT      ANALYST           20 RESEARCH      
JONES      MANAGER           20 RESEARCH      
ALLEN      SALESMAN          30 SALES         
BLAKE      MANAGER           30 SALES         
MARTIN     SALESMAN          30 SALES         
JAMES      CLERK             30 SALES         
TURNER     SALESMAN          30 SALES         
WARD       SALESMAN          30 SALES       

You must use a join to return this data because employee names and jobs are stored in a different table than department names. Oracle combines rows of the two tables according to this join condition:

emp.deptno = dept.deptno
Example II

The following equijoin returns the name, job, department number, and department name of all clerks:

SELECT ename, job, dept.deptno, dname
     FROM emp, dept
     WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno
     AND job = 'CLERK';

ENAME      JOB       DEPTNO     DNAME         
---------- --------- ---------- --------------
MILLER     CLERK             10 ACCOUNTING    
SMITH      CLERK             20 RESEARCH      
ADAMS      CLERK             20 RESEARCH      
JAMES      CLERK             30 SALES    

This query is identical to Example XII except that it uses an additional WHERE clause condition to return only rows with a JOB value of 'CLERK':

job = 'CLERK'

Self Joins

A self join is a join of a table to itself. This table appears twice in the FROM clause and is followed by table aliases that qualify column names in the join condition. To perform a self join, Oracle combines and returns rows of the table that satisfy the join condition.


This query uses a self join to return the name of each employee along with the name of the employee's manager:

SELECT e1.ename||' works for '||e2.ename 
"Employees and their Managers" 
    FROM emp e1, emp e2   WHERE e1.mgr = e2.empno; 

Employees and their Managers   
BLAKE works for KING           
CLARK works for KING           
JONES works for KING           
FORD works for JONES           
SMITH works for FORD           
ALLEN works for BLAKE          
WARD works for BLAKE           
MARTIN works for BLAKE         
SCOTT works for JONES          
TURNER works for BLAKE         
ADAMS works for SCOTT          
JAMES works for BLAKE          
MILLER works for CLARK

The join condition for this query uses the aliases E1 and E2 for the EMP table:

e1.mgr = e2.empno

Cartesian Products

If two tables in a join query have no join condition, Oracle returns their Cartesian product. Oracle combines each row of one table with each row of the other. A Cartesian product always generates many rows and is rarely useful. For example, the Cartesian product of two tables, each with 100 rows, has 10,000 rows. Always include a join condition unless you specifically need a Cartesian product. If a query joins three or more tables and you do not specify a join condition for a specific pair, the optimizer may choose a join order that avoids producing an intermediate Cartesian product.

Outer Joins

The outer join extends the result of a simple join. An outer join returns all rows that satisfy the join condition and those rows from one table for which no rows from the other satisfy the join condition. Such rows are not returned by a simple join. To write a query that performs an outer join of tables A and B and returns all rows from A, apply the outer join operator (+) to all columns of B in the join condition. For all rows in A that have no matching rows in B, Oracle returns NULL for any select list expressions containing columns of B.

This is the basic syntax of an outer join of two tables:

Outer join queries are subject to the following rules and restrictions:

If the WHERE clause contains a condition that compares a column from table B with a constant, the (+) operator must be applied to the column so that Oracle returns the rows from table A for which it has generated NULLs for this column.

In a query that performs outer joins of more than two pairs of tables, a single table can be the NULL-generated table for only one other table. For this reason, you cannot apply the (+) operator to columns of B in the join condition for A and B and the join condition for B and C.

Example I

This query uses an outer join to extend the results of Example XIV:

SELECT ename, job, dept.deptno, dname 
    FROM emp, dept 
    WHERE emp.deptno (+) = dept.deptno; 

ENAME      JOB       DEPTN      DNAME
---------- --------- ---------- --------------
MILLER     CLERK             10 ACCOUNTING
SMITH      CLERK             20 RESEARCH
ADAMS      CLERK             20 RESEARCH
FORD       ANALYST           20 RESEARCH
SCOTT      ANALYST           20 RESEARCH
JONES      MANAGER           20 RESEARCH
ALLEN      SALESMAN          30 SALES
BLAKE      MANAGER           30 SALES
JAMES      CLERK             30 SALES
WARD       SALESMAN          30 SALES
                             40 OPERATIONS

In this outer join, Oracle returns a row containing the OPERATIONS department even though no employees work in this department. Oracle returns NULL in the ENAME and JOB columns for this row. The join query in Example X selects only departments that have employees.

The following query uses an outer join to extend the results of Example XV:

SELECT ename, job, dept.deptno, dname 
    FROM emp, dept 
    WHERE emp.deptno (+) = dept.deptno 
        AND job (+) = 'CLERK'; 

---------- --------- ---------- --------------
MILLER     CLERK             10 ACCOUNTING
SMITH      CLERK             20 RESEARCH
ADAMS      CLERK             20 RESEARCH
JAMES      CLERK             30 SALES
                             40 OPERATIONS

In this outer join, Oracle returns a row containing the OPERATIONS department even though no clerks work in this department. The (+) operator on the JOB column ensures that rows for which the JOB column is NULL are also returned. If this (+) were omitted, the row containing the OPERATIONS department would not be returned because its JOB value is not 'CLERK'.

Example II

This example shows four outer join queries on the CUSTOMERS, ORDERS, LINEITEMS, and PARTS tables. These tables are shown here:

SELECT custno, custname 
    FROM customers; 

---------- -------------------- 
1          Angelic Co. 
2          Believable Co.         
3          Cabels R Us 

SELECT orderno, custno, 
    TO_CHAR(orderdate, 'MON-DD-YYYY') "ORDERDATE" 
    FROM orders; 

---------- ---------- ----------- 
      9001          1 OCT-13-1993 
      9002          2 OCT-13-1993 
      9003          1 OCT-20-1993 
      9004          1 OCT-27-1993 
      9005          2 OCT-31-1993 

SELECT orderno, lineno, partno, quantity 
    FROM lineitems; 

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
      9001          1        101         15 
      9001          2        102         10 
      9002          1        101         25 
      9002          2        103         50 
      9003          1        101         15 
      9004          1        102         10 
      9004          2        103         20 

SELECT partno, partname 
    FROM parts; 

------ -------- 
   101 X-Ray Screen 
   102 Yellow Bag        
   103 Zoot Suit 

Note that the customer Cables R Us has placed no orders and that order number 9005 has no line items.

The following outer join returns all customers and the dates they placed orders. The (+) operator ensures that customers who placed no orders are also returned:

SELECT custname, TO_CHAR(orderdate, 'MON-DD-YYYY') "ORDERDATE" 
    FROM customers, orders 
    WHERE customers.custno = orders.custno (+); 

-------------------- --------------
Angelic Co.          OCT-13-1993
Angelic Co.          OCT-20-1993
Angelic Co.          OCT-27-1993
Believable Co.       OCT-13-1993 
Believable Co.       OCT-31-1993 
Cables R Us 

The following outer join builds on the result of the previous one by adding the LINEITEMS table to the FROM clause, columns from this table to the select list, and a join condition joining this table to the ORDERS table to the WHERE clause. This query joins the results of the previous query to the LINEITEMS table and returns all customers, the dates they placed orders, and the part number and quantity of each part they ordered. The first (+) operator serves the same purpose as in the previous query. The second (+) operator ensures that orders with no line items are also returned:

SELECT custname, 
    FROM customers, orders, lineitems 
    WHERE customers.custno = orders.custno (+) 
    AND orders.orderno = lineitems.orderno (+); 

-------------------- -------------- ---------- ---------- 
Angelic Co.          OCT-13-1993           101         15 
Angelic Co.          OCT-13-1993           102         10 
Angelic Co.          OCT-20-1993           101         15 
Angelic Co.          OCT-27-1993           102         10 
Angelic Co.          OCT-27-1993           103         20 
Believable Co.       OCT-13-1993           101         25 
Believable Co.       OCT-13-1993           103         50 
Believable Co.       OCT-31-1993 
Cables R Us 

The following outer join builds on the result of the previous one by adding the PARTS table to the FROM clause, the PARTNAME column from this table to the select list, and a join condition joining this table to the LINEITEMS table to the WHERE clause. This query joins the results of the previous query to the PARTS table to return all customers, the dates they placed orders, and the quantity and name of each part they ordered. The first two (+) operators serve the same purposes as in the previous query. The third (+) operator ensures that rows with NULL part numbers are also returned:

SELECT custname, TO_CHAR(orderdate, 'MON-DD-YYYY') "ORDERDATE", 
    quantity, partname 
    FROM customers, orders, lineitems, parts 
    WHERE customers.custno = orders.custno (+) 
    AND orders.orderno = lineitems.orderno (+) 
    AND lineitems.partno = parts.partno (+); 

-------------------- -------------- ---------- ------------ 
Angelic Co.          OCT-13-1993            15 X-Ray Screen 
Angelic Co.          OCT-13-1993            10 Yellow Bag 
Angelic Co.          OCT-20-1993            15 X-Ray Screen 
Angelic Co.          OCT-27-1993            10 Yellow Bag 
Angelic Co.          OCT-27-1993            20 Zoot Suit 
Believable Co.       OCT-13-1993            25 X-Ray Screen 
Believable Co.       OCT-13-1993            50 Zoot Suit 
Believable Co.       OCT-31-1993 
Cables R Us

Related Topics




To specify, for a particular transaction, whether a deferrable constraint is checked following each DML statement (IMMEDIATE) or when the transaction is committed (DEFERRED). For illustrations, see "Examples".


Setting when a deferrable constraint is checked requires that the table to which the constraint applies must be in your own schema or you must have SELECT privilege on the table.



Keywords and Parameters


is the name of the integrity constraint. 


sets all deferrable constraints for this transaction. 


indicates that the conditions specified by the deferrable constraint are checked immediately after each DML statement. 


indicates that the conditions specified by the deferrable constraint are checked with the transaction is committed. 

You can verify the success of deferrable constraints prior to committing them by issuing a SET CONSTRAINTS ALL IMMEDIATE statement. 



Example I

The following example sets all deferrable constraints in this transaction to be checked immediately following each DML statement:

Example II

The following statement checks three deferred constraints when the transaction is committed:

SET CONSTRAINTS unq_name, scott.nn_sal,
  adams.pk_dept@dblink DEFERRED;

Related Topics

ENABLE clause
DISABLE clause



To enable and disable roles for your current session. For illustrations, see "Examples".


You must already have been granted the roles that you name in the SET ROLE statement. See also "Privilege Domains".



Keywords and Parameters


is a role to be enabled for the current session. Any roles not listed are disabled for the current session. 



is the password for a role. If the role has a password, you must specify the password to enable the role. 


enables all roles granted to you for the current session, except those optionally listed in the EXCEPT clause. 



Roles listed in the EXCEPT clause must be roles granted directly to you; they cannot be roles granted to you through other roles. You cannot use this option to enable roles with passwords that have been granted directly to you. 


If you list a role in the EXCEPT clause that has been granted to you both directly and through another role, the role remains enabled by virtue of the role to which it has been granted. 


disables all roles for the current session. 


Privilege Domains

At logon, Oracle establishes your default privilege domain by enabling your default roles. Your default privilege domain contains all privileges granted explicitly to you and all privileges in the privilege domains of your default roles. You can then perform any operations authorized by the privileges in your default privilege domain.

Changing Your Privilege Domain

During your session, you can change your privilege domain with the SET ROLE command, which changes the roles currently enabled for your session. You can change your enabled roles any number of times during a session. The number of roles that can be concurrently enabled is limited by the initialization parameter MAX_ENABLED_ROLES.

You can use the SET ROLE command to enable or disable any of the following roles:

You cannot use the SET ROLE command to enable roles that you have not been granted either directly or through other roles.

Your current privilege domain is also changed in the following cases:

If none of the above conditions occur and you do not issue the SET ROLE command, your default privilege domain remains in effect for the duration of your session. In the last two cases, the change in your privilege domain does not take effect until you log on to Oracle again or issue a SET ROLE statement.

You can determine which roles are in your current privilege domain at any time by examining the SESSION_ROLES data dictionary view.

To change your default roles, use the ALTER USER command.


Example I

To enable the role GARDENER identified by the password MARIGOLDS for your current session, issue the following statement:

SET ROLE gardener IDENTIFIED BY marigolds;
Example II

To enable all roles granted to you for the current session, issue the following statement:

Example III

To enable all roles granted to you except BANKER, issue the following statement:

Example IV

To disable all roles granted to you for the current session, issue the following statement:


Related Topics


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All Rights Reserved. 