Brahms - Detectors

Coming Along! Needs help from detectors group people.

The BRAHMS experimental equipment i.e. detectors, electronics DAQ and triggering is the responsibility of the sub-systems managers. A brief list of the people and their e-mail address is available.

Final version of the Draft of the BRAHMS NIM Paper submitted to NIM through BNL Guest editors in ps or pdf or MSWord format. This paper will be included in an upcoming NIM volume dedicated to RHIC Instrumentation

NIM Paper figures in ppt or html format. These figures were extracted from the NIM paper word document and can be extracted to use wherever necessary.

Postscript files of the postscript figures can be found here.


Here's a summary page of triggers for the 2001 Au+Au s(NN)=200 GeV run by Trine.

Detector components

The BRAHMS detectors are divided into 3 part those belonging to the Forward Spectrometer, those to the Mid-Rapidity Spectrometer and the Global detectors. This is the top Web page for information. The content for each detector is primarely under the control of each detector system. It is encouraged to store documents even preliminary for the general information of the collaboration.

Forward Spectrometer
Mid-Rapidity Spectrometer
Global Detectors
Location of HTML files

The root of the html files for the detector section is on the rhic computing cluster in the brahms directory
/export1/brahms/WWW/private/ with the root file detectors.hmtl and a subdirectory for each detector system in detector/name.

to the BRAHMS Private Page