Centrality Detector Information

The Centrality Detector consists of two layers of detectors along the beam pipe:  Silicon Strip Detectors and Scintillator Tile Detectors.  A detailed information about these two detector systems can be found in the following links.
A brief description of the scintillator tile calibration is presented in cosmic ray calibration

A measurement of the linearity of the PMTs used to read the scintillator tiles is presented in Tile linearity study

An informal summary of some "Data" Analysis for the Mult/Tiles data from the RHIC commissioning runs can be found here. (10/14/99 JH Lee)

Recent photos as well as an reference to technical drawings can be found on the U.Kansas Brahms Page,. the information on this page is older. (January 13, 1999)

Some information from the Centrality meeting at BNL on June 27, 1997.

Following the meeting a more extended description of the centrality detector options has been prepared by Steve Sanders. It is a .pdf file readable by Acrobat reader version 3.0. A postscript version (July 12) has been put here.

Centrality Meeting at BNL, December 19,1997

In preparation for this meeting Steve Sanders has made available his transparencies to be used at this meeting. They can be viewed from the Kansas web site using acrobat reader with the pdf file . A postscript file is also available.
The announchment on the agenda was
The meeting to discuss progress and finalize plans for the Centrality 
Detector will take place at BNL on December 19, 1997 in room 2-160 
in the Physics department. The preliminary schedule is 

9.30  Introduction/Status of Brahms   (FV)
10.00 Strip detector tests  (SJS)
11.00 Tile/Fiber tests  (YKL)
11.45 Hybrid geometry+recent GEANT simulations (SJS)

12.30 Break

14.00 Costs & schedule(SJS/YKL)
15.00 Mounting scheme  (SJS)
16.00 Discussion of options- pros/cons
17.00 Summary (FV)
         workplan and management.

Following the meeting a summary was written.