Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0.4






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06500-06580: PL/SQL Messages

This section lists messages generated when Oracle detects a problem with
PL/SQL code. These ORA-nnnnn messages are usually followed by
PLS-nnnnn messages, which are listed in Chapter 17, "PL/SQL and FIPS Messages".

ORA-06500: PL/SQL: storage error

Cause: This is a rare internal error message. Memory has been exhausted or corrupted.

Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-06501: PL/SQL: program error

Cause: This is an internal error message. An error has been detected in a PL/SQL program.

Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-06502, "PL/SQL: numeric or value error"

Cause: The valid range for the threshold argument to the Similar( ) function is from 0.0 to 100.0.

Action: Correct the statement and try again.

ORA-06503: PL/SQL: Function returned without value

Cause: A call to a PL/SQL function completed, but no RETURN statement was executed.

Action: Rewrite the PL/SQL function, making sure that it always returns a value of a proper type.

ORA-06504: PL/SQL: Return types of Result Set variables or query do not match

Cause: Number and/or types of columns in a query do not match the declared return type of a Result Set variable, or the declared types of two Result Set variables do not match.

Action: Change the program statement or declaration. Identify the query to which the variable, during execution, actually refers.

ORA-06505: PL/SQL: variable requires more than 32767 bytes of contiguous memory

Cause: A PL/SQL variable was declared with a constraint which required more than 32767 bytes of memory. PL/SQL does not currently support allocations of contiguous memory greater than 32767 bytes.

Action: Consider reducing the constraint in the variable declaration. If that is not possible, try changing the database or national character set to such, that requires less memory for the same constraint. Note: changing the character set will impact execution of all PL/SQL code.

ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called

Cause: An attempt was made to call a stored program that could not be found. The program may have been dropped or incompatibly modified, or have compiled with errors.

Action: Check that all referenced programs, including their package bodies, exist and are compatible.

ORA-06509: PL/SQL: ICD vector missing for this package

Cause: This indicates a version clash between some package distributed with an Oracle product and the product executable.

Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception str

Cause: A user-defined exception was raised by PL/SQL code, but not handled.

Action: Fix the problem causing the exception or write an exception handler for this condition. It may be necessary to contact the application or database administrator.

ORA-06511: PL/SQL: cursor already open

Cause: An attempt was made to open a cursor that was already open.

Action: Close the cursor before attempting to reopen it.

ORA-06512: at str line num

Cause: This is usually the last of a message stack and indicates where a problem occurred in the PL/SQL code.

Action: Fix the problem causing the exception or write an exception handler for this condition. It may be necessary to contact the application or database administrator.

ORA-06513: PL/SQL: index for PL/SQL table out of range for host language array

Cause: An attempt was made to copy a PL/SQL table to a host language array, but an index in the table is either less than one or greater than the maximum size of the host language array. When copying PL/SQL tables to host language arrays, the table entry at index 1 is placed in the first element of the array, the entry at index 2 is placed in the second element of the array, and so on. If a table entry was not assigned, then the corresponding element in the host language array is set to NULL.

Action: Increase the size of the host language arrays or decrease the size of the PL/SQL table. Also make sure that you do not use index values less than 1.

ORA-06514: PL/SQL: The remote call cannot be handled by the server

Cause: The remote call had parameters that were cursor variables. This cannot be handled by stored procedures on your server.

Action: Avoid using cursor variables as parameters for stored procedures on this server or upgrade your server to a version that supports this.

For more information about using cursor variables, see the index entry on "cursor variable" in the PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference.

ORA-06515: PL/SQL: unhandled exception error

Cause: An exception was raised by PL/SQL code, but not handled. The exception number is outside the legal range of Oracle errors.

Action: Fix the problem causing the exception or write an exception handler for this condition. Or you may need to contact your application administrator or DBA.

ORA-06516: PL/SQL: the Probe packages do not exist or are invalid

Cause: A Probe operation, probably an attempt to initialize the ORACLE server to debug PL/SQL, could not be completed because the Probe packages were not loaded or have become invalid.

Action: DBA should load the Probe packages. This can be done by running the PBLOAD.SQL script supplied with the RDBMS.

ORA-06517: PL/SQL: Probe error - error

Cause: An error occurred while passing a Probe operation to the server for execution.

Action: Refer to the entry for the embedded error message.

ORA-06518: PL/SQL: Probe version num incompatible with version num

Cause: The current version of Probe is incompatible with the version on the ORACLE server.

Action: Refer to the documentation to ensure that this degree of compatibility is supported.

ORA-06520: PL/SQL: Error loading external library

Cause: An error was detected by PL/SQL trying to load the external library dynamically.

Action: Check the following messages (if any) for more details.

ORA-06521: PL/SQL: Error mapping function

Cause: An error was detected by PL/SQL trying to map the specified function dynamically.

Action: Check the following messages (if any) for more details about the error.

ORA-06522: num

Cause: ORA-06520 or ORA-0652: 1 could provide more messages with a system specific error string.

Action: This message should give the cause for errors ORA-06520 or ORA-06521.

ORA-06523: Maximum number of arguments exceeded

Cause: There is an upper limit on the number of arguments that one can pass to the external function.

Action: Check the port specific documentation on how to calculate the upper limit.

ORA-06524: unsupported option: name

Cause: The option specified is an unsupported feature for external procedures.

Action: Correct the syntax in the external specification.

ORA-06525: length mismatch for CHAR or RAW data

Cause: The length specified in the length variable has an illegal value. This can happen if you have requested a PL/SQL INOUT, OUT or RETURN raw variable to be passed as a RAW with no corresponding length variable. This error can also happen if there is a mismatch in the length value set in the length variable and the length in the orlvstr or orlraw.

Action: Correct the external procedure code and set the length variable correctly.

ORA-06526: unable to load PL/SQL library

Cause: PL/SQL was unable to instantiate the library referenced by this referenced in the EXTERNAL syntax. This is a serious error and should normally not happen.

Action: Report this problem to customer support.

ORA-06530: reference to uninitialized composite

Cause: An object, LOB, or other composite was referenced as a left hand side without having been initialized.

Action: Initialize the composite with an appropriate constructor or whole-object assignment.

ORA-06531: reference to uninitialized collection

Cause: An element or member function of a nested table or VARRAY was referenced (where an initialized collection is needed) without the collection having been initialized.

Action: Initialize the collection with an appropriate constructor or whole-object assignment.

ORA-06532: subscript outside of limit

Cause: A subscript was greater than the limit of a VARRAY or non-positive for a varray or nested table.

Action: Check the program logic and increase the varray limit if necessary.

ORA-06533: subscript beyond count

Cause: An in-limit subscript was greater than the count of a varray or too large for a nested table.

Action: Check the program logic and explicitly extend if necessary.

ORA-06534: cannot access Serially Reusable package name in the context of a trigger

Cause: The program attempted to access a Serially Reusable package in the context of a trigger. Such an access is currently unsupported.

Action: Check the program logic and remove any references to Serially Reusable packages (procedure, function or variable references) which might happen n the context of a trigger.

ORA-06540: PL/SQL compilation error

Cause: A PL/SQL compilation error occurred. However, the user generally will not see this error message. Instead, there will be accompanying PLS-nnnnn error messages.

Action: See accompanying PLS-nnnnn error messages.

ORA-06541: PL/SQL: compilation error - compilation aborted

Cause: A PL/SQL compilation error occurred and the compilation was aborted. However, the user generally will not see this error message. Instead, there will be accompanying PLS-nnnnn error messages.

Action: See accompanying PLS-nnnnn error messages.

ORA-06544: PL/SQL: internal error, arguments:arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8

Cause: A PL/SQL internal error occurred.

Action: Report this as a bug; the first argument is the internal error number.

ORA-06545: PL/SQL: compilation error - compilation aborted

Cause: A PL/SQL compilation error occurred and the compilation was aborted completely without the compilation unit being written out to the backing store. Unlike ORA-06541, the user will always see this error along with the accompanying PLS-nnnnn error messages.

Action: See accompanying PLS-nnnnn error messages.

ORA-06550: line num, column num: str

Cause: A PL/SQL compilation error has occurred. The numbers given for line and column are the location in the PL/SQL block where the error occurred.

Action: Refer to the following PL/SQL messages for more information about the error.

ORA-06554: package DBMS_STANDARD must be created before using PL/SQL

Cause: The data dictionary script required by PL/SQL has not yet been run.

Action: See the Oracle8 Server Administrator's Guide and your Oracle operating system-specific documentation for more information.

ORA-06555: this name is currently reserved for use by user SYS

Cause: An attempt was made to create a user-owned package named STANDARD, DBMS_STANDARD, or DBMS_OUTPUT. This is not allowed.

Action: Choose another name for the package.

ORA-06556: the pipe is empty, cannot fulfill the UNPACK_MESSAGE request

Cause: There are no more items in the pipe.

Action: Check that the sender and receiver agree on the number and types of items placed on the pipe.

ORA-06557: null values are not allowed for any parameters to pipe ICD's

Cause: Internal error from the DBMS_PIPE package.

Action: Contact customer support.

ORA-06558: buffer in DBMS_PIPE package is full. No more items allowed

Cause: The pipe buffer size has been exceeded.

Action: Inspect the program to analyze the rate of input and output to the pipe. You might need to take items out of the pipe by executing RECEIVE_MESSAGE, or empty the entire pipe by executing PURGE on the pipe.

ORA-06559: wrong datatype requested, type, actual datatype is type

Cause: The sender put a different datatype on the pipe than that being requested, package DBMS_PIPE. The recognized datatypes and the corresponding numbers are: 6 - number, 9 - char, 12 - date.

Action: Check that the sender and receiver agree on the number and types of items placed on the pipe.

ORA-06560: pos, num, is negative or larger than the buffer size, num

Cause: Internal error from the DBMS_PIPE package.

Action: Contact Oracle customer support.

ORA-06561: given statement is not supported by package DBMS_SQL

Cause: Attempting to parse an unsupported statement using procedure PARSE provided by package DBMS_SQL.

Action: Only statements which begin with SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE, LOCK, BEGIN, DECLARE or <= (PL/SQL label delimiter) are supported.

ORA-06562: type of OUT argument must match type of column or bind variable

Cause: An attempt was made to get the value of a column or a bind variable by calling procedure COLUMN_VALUE or VARIABLE_VALUE of package DBMS_SQL. However, the type of the given out argument was different from the type of the column or bind variable that was previously defined by calling procedure DEFINE_COLUMN, for defining a column, or BIND_VARIABLE, for binding a bind variable, of package DBMS_SQL.

Action: Pass in an OUT argument of the correct type when calling procedure COLUMN_VALUE or VARIABLE_VALUE. The right type is the type that was provided when defining the column or binding the bind variable.

ORA-06563: specified object cannot have subparts

Cause: The name to be resolved was specified with three parts (a.b.c) but the a.b part resolves to an object that does not have nested attributes. This can also happen with a two-part name, a.b.

Action: Specify a valid object.

ORA-06564: object name does not exist

Cause: The named object could not be found. Either it does not exist or you do not have permission to access it.

Action: Create the object or get permission to access it.

ORA-06565: cannot execute name from within stored procedure

Cause: The named procedure cannot be executed from within a stored procedure, function, or package. This function can only be used from PL/SQL anonymous blocks.

Action: Remove the procedure from the calling stored procedure.

ORA-06566: invalid number of rows specified

Cause: An invalid number of rows was specified in a call to the procedures DEFINE_COLUMN in the package DBMS_SQL. For a given parsed statement in a given cursor, all columns must be defined to have the same number of rows, so all the calls to DEFINE_COLUMN must specify the same number of rows.

Action: Specify a number that matches the number for previously defined columns.

ORA-06567: invalid number of values specified

Cause: An invalid number of values to be bound was specified in a call to the procedure BIND_VARIABLE in the package DBMS_SQL. For a given parsed statement in a given cursor, the same number of values must be bound for all bind variables, so all the calls to BIND_VARIABLE must specify the same number of values.

Action: Make sure that the same number of values are given for each of the bind variables.

ORA-06568: obsolete ICD procedure called

Cause: An obsolete ICD procedure was called by a PL/SQL program. The PL/SQL program was probably written for an earlier release of Oracle.

Action: Ensure that all PL/SQL packages are upgraded to the latest release of Oracle by following the upgrade instructions noted in the README document or by running the CATPROC.SQL script.

ORA-06569: collection bound by bind_array contains no elements

Cause: A collection with zero elements was bound to a bind variable in a call to procedure BIND_ARRAY in the package DBMS_SQL. In order to execute a bind of a collection, the collection must contain at least one element. If no elements are present then at execute time there will be no value for this bind and the statement is meaningless.

Action: Fill the collection with the elements you want to bind and try the bind call again.

ORA-06570: shared pool object does not exist, cannot be pinned

Cause: The specified shared pool shared cursor could not be found. Therefore, it cannot be pinned.

Action: Make sure that a correct shared cursor name is given. Names are a string of the form "HHHHHHHH,SDDDDDDDDDD" where the Hs are an 8-digit hex number from the "address" column of V$SQLAREA, and the Ds are a 1- to 10-digit decimal number with an optional leading sign from the "hash_value" column.

ORA-06571: function name does not guarantee not to update database

Cause: There are two possible causes for this message:

Action: If the referenced function is a packaged PL/SQL function: Recreate the PL/SQL function with the required pragma; be certain to include the "Write No Database State" (WNDS) argument in the argument list of the pragma.

If the referenced function is a stand-alone PL/SQL function: Do not use the function.

ORA-06572: function name has out arguments

Cause: A SQL statement references either a packaged or a stand-alone PL/SQL function that contains an OUT parameter in its argument list. PL/SQL functions referenced by SQL statements must not contain the OUT parameter.

Action: Recreate the PL/SQL function without the OUT parameter in the argument list.

ORA-06573: function name modifies package state, cannot be used here

Cause: There are two possible causes for this message:

Action: If the function is a packaged PL/SQL function: recreate the function and include a pragma containing the "Write no Package State" (WNPS).

If the function is a stand-alone PL/SQL function: delete the function from the SQL statement.

ORA-06574: function name references package state, cannot execute remotely

Cause: There are two possible causes for this message:

    Only local functions that are referenced in a SELECT list, VALUES clause of an INSERT statement, or SET clause of an UPDATE statement can modify a package state.

Action: If the function is a packaged function: Recreate the function and include a pragma containing the "Write no Package State" (WNPS) and "Read no Package State" (RNPS) arguments.

If the function is a stand-alone function: Do not call the function.

ORA-06575: function name is in an invalid state

Cause: A SQL statement references a PL/SQL function that is in an invalid state. Oracle attempted to compile the function, but detected errors.

Action: Check the SQL statement and the PL/SQL function for syntax errors or incorrectly assigned, or missing, privileges for a referenced object.

ORA-06580: Hash Join ran out of memory while keeping large rows in memory

Cause: Hash Join reserved 3 slots (each slot size = DB_BLOCK_SIZE * HASH_JOIN_MULTIBLOCK_IO_COUNT) for a row. If a row is larger than that, this error will be raised.

Action: Increase HASH_JOIN_MULTIBLOCK_IO_COUNT so that each joined row fits in a slot. HASH_AREA_SIZE may also need to be increased.

For more information about hashing and managing hash clusters, see the index entries on "hash clusters" in the Oracle8 Server Application Developer's Guide and on "hashing, how to use" in Oracle8 Server Tuning.



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