Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0.4






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03296-03299: Resizeable Datafiles

For more resizeable datafile messages, see 02490-02499: Resizeable Datafile Messages on page -18.

ORA-03296: cannot resize datafile - file name not found

Cause: The specified datafile was not available for resizing.

Action: Ensure that the datafile name is valid and, if so, ensure that the files is accessible. For more information about specifying a valid datafile, see the index entry on "filespec" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-03297: file contains num blocks of data beyond requested RESIZE value

Cause: Some portion of the file in the region to be trimmed is currently in use by a database segment.

Action: Drop or move segments containing extents in this region prior to resizing the file, or choose a resize value such that only free space is in the trimmed region.

ORA-03298: cannot shrink datafile - file name is under hot backup

Cause: An attempt was made to shrink a datafile while it was under hot backup. This is not allowed.

Action: Retry shrinking the file after the hot backup completes.

For more information about resizing datafiles, see the index entry "datafiles, automatic extension" in the Oracle8 Server Administrator's Guide and the index entry "resizeable datafiles" in Oracle8 Server Migration.

ORA-03299: cannot create dictionary table name

Cause: A dictionary table is created upon the first execution of the command ALTER DATABASE AUTOEXTEND ON for a database. This operation did not succeed. The most probable cause for this is insufficient space in the system tablespace.

Action: See the accompanying messages and take appropriate action.



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