Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0.4






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03200-03289: Extent Allocation and Other Space Management Messages

This section lists messages generated during extent allocation.

ORA-03200: the segment type specification is invalid

Cause: The segment type is not TABLE, INDEX, or CLUSTER.

Action: Use a correct segment type.

ORA-03201: the group number specification is invalid

Cause: The freelist group number is either negative or larger than the number of freelist groups in the segment.

Action: Use a correct group number.

ORA-03202: the scan limit specification is invalid

Cause: The scan limit does not have a positive integer value greater than the number of freelist groups in the segment.

Action: Use a correct scan limit.

ORA-03203: concurrent update activity makes space analysis impossible

Cause: High volume of user updates interfere with the space analysis.

Action: Retry the command or lock the underlying objects.

ORA-03204: the segment type specification should indicate partitioning

Cause: A partition name was specified for the space analysis, but the object type does not indicate partitioning.

Action: Specify PARTITION in the segment type if the object is partitioned, Otherwise, omit the partition name.

ORA-03205: partition name is required when partitioned type is specified

Cause: A partition name was not specified for the space analysis, but the object type indicates partitioning.

Action: Specify a partition name if the object is partitioned. Otherwise, specify a non-partitioned type.

ORA-03230: segment only contains num blocks of unused space above high water mark

Cause: An attempt was made to preserve too many blocks.

Action: Reduce the KEEP amount.

ORA-03231: the INITIAL extent may not be deallocated

Cause: An attempt was made to deallocate space in segment which was truncated prior to the 7.3 release.

Action: Increase the KEEP amount, or truncate the segment, and reissue the command.

For more information about the TRUNCATE command, see the index entry on "TRUNCATE command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-03232: unable to allocate an extent of num blocks from tablespace name

Cause: An attempt was made to specify a HASH_MULTIBLOCK_IO_COUNT value that is greater than the tablespace's NEXT value.

Action: Increase the value of NEXT for the tablespace using ALTER TABLESPACE DEFAULT STORAGE or decrease the value of HASH_MULTIBLOCK_IO_COUNT.

ORA-03274: both ALLOCATE EXTENT and DEALLOCATE UNUSED options are specified

Cause: The DEALLOCATE option and the ALLOCATE option were specified in the same command.

Action: Choose one of the options or issue two separate commands.

For more information about the ALLOCATE option, see the index entries on "ALLOCATE EXTENT clause, of ALTER CLUSTER command" and on "ALLOCATE EXTENT clause, of ALTER TABLE command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-03275: duplicate DEALLOCATE option specification

Cause: The DEALLOCATE UNUSED option to ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX was specified more than once.

Action: Specify the option at most once.

For more information about the DEALLOCATE UNUSED option, see the index entries on "ALTER TABLE" and on "ALTER INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-03276: duplicate ALLOCATE EXTENT option specification

Cause: The ALLOCATE EXTENT option to ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX is specified more than once.

Action: Specify the option at most once.

ORA-03277: invalid SIZE specified

Cause: The value specified for the SIZE option of the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement must be a positive integer.

Action: Choose an appropriate integer value.

ORA-03278: duplicate option specified for ALLOCATE EXTENT

Cause: An option, datafile, SIZE, or INSTANCE, was specified more than once in the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement.

Action: Specify each option at most once.

ORA-03279: invalid INSTANCE specified

Cause: The value specified for the INSTANCE option of the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement is not valid.

Action: Choose an appropriate INSTANCE specification.

ORA-03280: invalid datafile filename specified

Cause: A character-string literal is expected but not found for the DATAFILE option of the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement.

Action: Specify the filename using a character-string literal enclosed in single quotes. Query the data dictionary view DBA_DATA_FILES to find the correct names of the datafiles.

ORA-03281: invalid ALLOCATE EXTENT option

Cause: An option other than DATAFILE, SIZE, or INSTANCE was specified in the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement.

Action: Remove the invalid option and retry the command.

ORA-03282: missing ALLOCATE EXTENT option

Cause: No ALLOCATE EXTENT options were specified inside the parentheses of the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement.

Action: If no options are required, do not use parentheses. Otherwise, specify one or more of the following options within parentheses: datafile, SIZE, or INSTANCE.

ORA-03283: specified datafile name does not exist

Cause: The datafile specified for the DATAFILE option in the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement does not exist.

Action: Retry the option with the correct filename for the database file. Query the data dictionary view DBA_DATA_FILES to find the correct names of the datafiles.

ORA-03284: specified datafile name is not a member of tablespace name

Cause: The datafile specified in the ALTER TABLE... ALLOCATE EXTENT statement does not belong to the tablespace in which the table resides.

Action: Retry the option with the correct datafile or the correct table. Query the data dictionary view DBA_DATA_FILES to find the correct names of the datafiles in that tablespace or query DBA_TABLES to find the correct table name.


Cause: The cluster cannot use the allocate extent option because it is a hash cluster.

Action: Do not use this command on a hash cluster.

ORA-03287: invalid FREELIST GROUP specified

Cause: The specified FREELIST GROUP number is invalid.

Action: Choose a number between 1 and the number of freelist groups for this object.

ORA-03288: both FREELIST GROUP and INSTANCE parameters may not be specified

Cause: Both FREELIST GROUP and INSTANCE were specified in clause.

Action: Remove one of the two parameters.



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