Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0.4






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25100-25199: Parse Messages

ORA-25100: TABLESPACE option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD

Cause: The TABLESPACE option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.

Action: Use ALTER INDEX REBUILD TABLESPACE <tablespace name>.

For more information about ALTER INDEX and other options in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25101: duplicate REBUILD option specification

Cause: The REBUILD option to ALTER INDEX was specified more than once.

Action: Specify the option at most once.

For more information about ALTER INDEX and other options in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25102: PARALLEL option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD

Cause: The PARALLEL option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.


For more information about ALTER INDEX and other options in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25103: NOPARALLEL option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD

Cause: The NOPARALLEL option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.


For more information about ALTER INDEX and other options in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25104: UNRECOVERABLE option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD

Cause: The UNRECOVERABLE option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.


For more information about ALTER INDEX and other options in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX," "UNRECOVERABLE," and "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25105: RECOVERABLE option can only be used with ALTER INDEX REBUILD

Cause: The RECOVERABLE option to ALTER INDEX was used without the REBUILD option.


For more information about ALTER INDEX and other options in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25106: only one of PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clause may be specified

Cause: PARALLEL was specified more than once, NOPARALLEL was specified more than once, or both PARALLEL and NOPARALLEL were specified in an ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement.

Action: Remove all but one of the PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clauses.

For more information about ALTER INDEX and other options in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25107: duplicate TABLESPACE option specification

Cause: The TABLESPACE was specified more than once in an ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement.

Action: Remove all but one of the TABLESPACE clauses.

For more information about ALTER INDEX and the TABLESPACE option in CREATE INDEX, see the index entries on "ALTER INDEX" and on "CREATE INDEX" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25108: standby lock name space exceeds size limit of num characters

Cause: The lock name space for the standby database exceeded the maximum string length.

Action: Change initialization parameter STANDBY_LOCK_NAME_SPACE to a character string of less than the specified characters.

For more information about standby databases, see the index entries on "standby database" in the Oracle8 Server Administrator's Guide.

ORA-25109: standby lock name space has illegal character char

Cause: An invalid lock name space was specified for the standby database. The lock name space for the standby database can only contain A-Z, 0-9, "_", "#", "$", and "@"characters.

Action: Change initialization parameter STANDBY_LOCK_NAME_SPACE to a valid character string.

For more information about standby databases, see the index entries on "standby database" in the Oracle8 Server Administrator's Guide.

ORA-25110: NOSORT may not be used with a bitmap index

Cause: An attempt was made to create a bitmap index using the NOSORT option.

Action: Remove NOSORT from the CREATE BITMAP INDEX statement.

For more information about the NOSORT option, see the index entry on "NOSORT option, of CREATE INDEX command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25111: BITMAP may not be used with a cluster index

Cause: An attempt was made to create a cluster index the BITMAP attribute.

Action: Remove BITMAP from the CREATE INDEX statement.

For more information about the CREATE INDEX command, see the index entry on "CREATE INDEX command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25112: a bitmap index may index only one column

Cause: An attempt was made to create a bitmap index on more than one column.

Action: Remove all columns in the CREATE INDEX statement except one.

For more information about the CREATE INDEX command, see the index entry on "CREATE INDEX command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25113: DML operations for BITMAP indexes not implemented

Cause: A DML operation such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE was performed on a table that has at least one BITMAP index defined.

Action: Remove all BITMAP indexes defined on the table.

For more information about the CREATE INDEX command, see the index entry on "CREATE INDEX command" in Oracle8 Server SQL Reference.

ORA-25114: invalid file number specified in the DUMP DATAFILE command

Cause: A file number used in dumping a data file is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid file number.

ORA-25115: duplicate BLOCK option specification

Cause: BLOCK (MIN/MAX) is specified more than once in DUMP DATAFILE command.

Action: Choose one BLOCK option and specify it.

ORA-25116: invalid block number specified in the DUMP DATAFILE command

Cause: A block number used in dumping a data file is invalid.

Action: Specify a valid block number.

ORA-25117: MIN/MAX/Block Number expected

Cause: MIN/MAX, or block number is expected in the DUMP DATAFILE command.

Action: Correct the syntax and retry.

ORA-25118: invalid DUMP DATAFILE option

Cause: Invalid option specified for DUMP DATAFILE command.

Action: Correct the syntax and retry.

ORA-25119: LOGGING/NOLOGGING option already specified

Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the LOGGING and/or NOLOGGING options were specified more than once.

Action: Remove all but one of the logging specifications.

ORA-25120: MINIMUM EXTENT option already specified

Cause: In CREATE TABLESPACE, the MINIMUM EXTENT option is specified more than once.

Action: Remove all but one of the MINIMUM EXTENT specifications.

ORA-25121: MINIMUM EXTENT value greater than maximum extent size

Cause: In CREATE/ALTER TABLESPACE, value specified for MINIMUM EXTENT option is greater than the maximum extent size.

Action: Decrease the value specified for MINIMUM EXTENT option.

ORA-25122: only LOCAL bitmap indexes are permitted on partitioned tables

Cause: An attempt was made to create a global bitmap index on a partitioned table.

Action: Create a local bitmap index instead. Then retry the operation.

ORA-25123: too many components specified in the name

Cause: Specifying more components to a name than allowed.

Action: Check the name specified for the operation.

ORA-25124: database link name not allowed

Cause: Specifying a database link name when it is not permitted.

Action: Check the name specified for the operation.

ORA-25125: BUFFER_POOL storage option not allowed

Cause: An attempt was made to specify the BUFFER_POOL storage option. This option may only be specified during CREATE/ALTER TABLE/CLUSTER/INDEX.

Action: Remove this option and retry the statement.

ORA-25126: invalid name specified for BUFFER_POOL

Cause: The name of the buffer pool specified by the user is invalid. The only valid names are KEEP, RECYCLE and DEFAULT.

Action: Use a valid name or remove the BUFFER_POOL clause.

ORA-25175: no PRIMARY KEY constraint found

Cause: A PRIMARY KEY constraint must be defined for a table with this organization.

Action: Define a PRIMARY KEY and retry the operation.

ORA-25176: storage specification not permitted for primary key

Cause: Storage parameters cannot be defined for a PRIMARY KEY constraint for a table with this organization.

Action: Remove storage specification for primary key.

ORA-25177: UNRECOVERABLE option not permitted

Cause: The UNRECOVERABLE option might not be specified for a primary key for a table with this organization.

Action: Remove UNRECOVERABLE option for primary key.

ORA-25178: duplicate PCTTHRESHOLD storage option specification

Cause: The storage option PCTTHRESHOLD is specified more than once.

Action: Specify storage options at most once.

ORA-25179: invalid PCTTHRESHOLD storage option value

Cause: The specified value must be a positive integer.

Action: Specify an appropriate value.

ORA-25180: PCTTHRESHOLD only valid for certain table organizations

Cause: PCTTHRESHOLD can only be specified for tables with certain organizations.

Action: Remove the PCTTHRESHOLD option.

ORA-25181: missing ON keyword for NESTED INDEX

Cause: ON keyword required to specify nested index column nest.

Action: Add ON keyword and retry the operation

ORA-25182: feature not currently available for index-organizedt ables

Cause: An attempt was made to use one or more of the following feature(s) not currently supported for index-organized tables:

Action: Do not use the disallowed feature(s) in this release.

ORA-25183: index-organized table top index segment is in a different tablespace

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains an index only table's overflow segment but not the top index segment.

Action: Find index-organized tables which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these tables.

ORA-25184: column name expected

Cause: A column name is not present where required by the CREATE TABLE for specifying last column to be included in the index segment of the index-organized table.

Action: Specify a column name where required by the syntax.

ORA-25185: index column other than last can not be specified for INCLUDE clause

Cause: While creating index-only tables, an index column name, instead of a non-index column name, was used for the INCLUDING clause of a CREATE TABLE statement used for creating index-organized tables .

Action: Specify a column name which is not part of index-organized table top index for the INCLUDING clause.

ORA-25186: INCLUDING clause specified without an OVERFLOW clause

Cause: The INCLUDING clause of a CREATE TABLE is a valid option only for index-organized tables with OVERFLOW clause.

Action: Specify an OVERFLOW clause for the index-organized table.

ORA-25187: specified exceptions table form incorrect

Cause: The specified table does not have the proper field definitions.

Action: Specify the correct table to use.

ORA-25188: cannot DROP/DISABLE/DEFER the primary key constraint for Index-organized tables

Cause: An attempt was made to DROP, DISABLE, or DEFER the primary key constraint for an index-only table. This is not allowed.

Action: This is an informational message. Do not DROP, DISABLE, or DEFER the primary key constraint for an index-only table.

ORA-25189: illegal ALTER TABLE option for an index-organized table

Cause: During ALTER of a index-organized table, the user attempted to enter one or more of the following options: TABLESPACE, ALLOCATE/DEALLOCATE EXTENT, PCTFREE/PCTUSED for IOT top index segment.

Action: Remove the illegal option(s).

ORA-25190: an index-organized table maintenance operation may not be combined with other operations

Cause: ALTER TABLE statement attempted to combine an index-organized table maintenance operation (e.g. changing physical attributes) with some other operation (e.g. ADD constraint) which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that a index-organized table maintenance operation is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE statement.

ORA-25191: cannot reference overflow table of an index-organized table

Cause: An attempt was made to directly access the overflow table of an index-organized tabl.

Action: Issue the statement against the parent index-organized table containing the specified overflow table.

ORA-25192: invalid option for an index-organized table

Cause: An attempt was made to specify one or more of the following options for an index-organized table: [NO]CACHE, NO LOGGING, CLUSTER

Action: Remove the invalid option(s).



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