Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0.4






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24000-24099: Administrative Interface for Advanced Query Messages

ORA-24000: invalid value name, name should be of the form [SCHEMA.]NAME

Cause: An invalid value was specified for the paramerter.

Action: Specify a string of the form [SCHEMA.]NAME .

ORA-24001: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, name already exists

Cause: The queue table already exists in the queueing system.

Action: Drop the table first using the DROP_QUEUE_TABLE() command or specify another table.

ORA-24002: QUEUE_TABLE name does not exist

Cause: QUEUE_TABLE does not exist.

Action: Query on the user view USER_QUEUE_TABLES to find out existing queue tables.

ORA-24003: queue table index name inconsistent with queue table name

Cause: The queue table index has not yet been successfully imported.

Action: Import the queue table index before attempting to use any queue in the queue table. If the import failed, correct the problem and try to import the queue table index again.

ORA-24004: invalid column name name in SORT_LIST, should be ENQ_TIME or PRIORITY

Cause: Invalid column name was specified in the SORT_LIST.

Action: The valid column names are ENQ_TIME and PRIORITY.

ORA-24006: cannot create QUEUE, name already exists

Cause: The queue requested to be created already exists.

Action: Specify another queue name. Query USER_QUEUES for all the exisiting queues in the users's schema.

ORA-24007: invalid value num, MAX_RETRIES should be non-negative integer

Cause: An invalid value was specified for MAX_RETRIES.

Action: Specify a non-negative integer.

ORA-24009: invalid value num, QUEUE_TYPE should be NORMAL_QUEUE or EXCEPTION_QUEUE

Cause: Invalid queue type parameter

Action: Valid values are NORMAL_QUEUE for normal queue and EXCEPTION_QUEUE for exception queue.

ORA-24010: QUEUE name does not exist

Cause: The specified queue does not exist.

Action: Specify a valid queue. Query USER_QUEUES for all the valid queues.

ORA-24011: cannot drop QUEUE, name should be stopped first

Cause: The queue has not been stopped, i.e., either ENQUEUE or DEQUEUE is still enabled.

Action: Stop the queue first using the STOP_QUEUE command and disable it from both enqueueing and dequeueing.

ORA-24012: cannot drop QUEUE_TABLE, some queues in name have not been dropped

Cause: A queue exists in the queue table which has not been dropped. All queues need to be dropped first.

Action: Drop all queues belonging to this queue table using the drop_queue() command. Be sure to stop the queues appropriately before dropping them. Alternately, use the FORCE option in DROP_QUEUETABLE.

ORA-24013: invalid value num, RETRY_DELAY should be non-negative

Cause: A negative value was specified for RETRY_DELAY.

Action: Specify a non-negative value for RETRY_DELAY.

ORA-24014: invalid value name, RETENTION_TIME should be FOREVER or non-negative

Cause: Queue retention was specified, but the retention time was specified to be less than zero.

Action: Specify the retention time to be non-negative or FOREVER. Alternately don't specify retention.

ORA-24015: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE does not exist

Cause: An invalid QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE specified during CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE.

Action: The QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE should be RAW or an object type that already exists in the database.

ORA-24016: cannot create QUEUE_TABLE, do not have execute priviliges on QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE

Cause: An invalid object type specified for QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE during CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE.

Action: The user should have execute priviliges on the object type specified for the queue.

ORA-24017: cannot enable enqueue on QUEUE, name is an exception queue

Cause: An attempt was made to enable enqueueing to an exception queue.

Action: None.

ORA-24018: STOP_QUEUE on name failed, outstanding transactions found

Cause: There were outstanding transactions on the queue, and WAIT was set to false, so STOP_QUEUE was unsucessful in stopping the queue.

Action: Set WAIT to TRUE and try STOP_QUEUE again. It will hang until all outstanding transactions are completed.

ORA-24019: identifier for name too long, should not be greater than num characters

Cause: The queue name specified is too long.

Action: Specify an identifier which is no more than 24 characters long. Try again with a shorter name.

ORA-24020: internal error in DBMS_AQ_IMPORT_INTERNAL, name

Cause: Internal Error occured in the package DBMS_AQ_IMPORT_INTERNAL.

Action: Internal error, call Oracle Support.

ORA-24021: queue table definition not imported for

Cause: The queue definition is not updated because the queue table was not imported properly.

Action: Import the queue table again.

ORA-24022: the specified parameters has no effect on the queue

Cause: The parameter combination will not cause the queue to be started or stoped.

Action: None. This is just a warning.

ORA-24025: invalid value name, QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE should be RAW or an object type

Cause: Parameter QUEUE_PAYLOAD_TYPE has invalid value.

Action: Specify a valid object type or RAW.

ORA-24031: invalid value, name should be non-NULL

Cause: Parameter is NULL.

Action: Specify a non NULL value for the parameter.

ORA-24032: object name exists, index could not be created for queue table name

Cause: Oracle advanced queueing tried to create an index with the name specified in the error message. The index could not be created for the specified queue table because a object exists with the same name.

Action: Drop the object specified in the error message and retry the command. You can also choose a different name for the queue table.

ORA-24033: no subscribers or recipients for message

Cause: An enqueue was performed on a queue that has been set up for multiple dequeuers and there were neither default subscribers for the queue nor were recipients specified in the call.

Action: Either add default subscribers for the queue or pass a list of recipients in the enqueue call.

ORA-24034: application name is already a subscriber for queue name

Cause: An application name that was already a subscriber for the queue was specified in the DBMS_AQ.SUBSCRIBE call.

Action: Choose another application name and retry the call.

ORA-24035: AQ agent name is not a subscriber for queue name

Cause: An AQ agent that was not a subscriber for the queue was specified.

Action: Check the name and/or address of the agent and retry the call.

ORA-24036: invalid SORT_ORDER column name specified for queue table

Cause: The create queue table command was issued with MESSAGE_GROUPING set to TRANSACTIONAL and a sort order column other than priority. Only the priority column can be specified in the sort order for queue tables with transactional grouping.

Action: Change the sort order list in the create queue table command and retry the call.

ORA-24037: schema name in QUEUE_NAME is not same as schema name in QUEUE_TABLE

Cause: The schema specified in the QUEUE_NAME parameter of CREATE_QUEUE is not the same as the schema specified in the QUEUE_TABLE parameter.

Action: Use the same schema name for both the QUEUE_NAME and QUEUE_TABLE parameters and retry the command.

ORA-24038: RETRY_DELAY cannot be specified for a multiple consumer queue

Cause: The CREATE_QUEUE or ALTER_QUEUE command was issued with a non-zero RETRY_DELAY and a QUEUE_TABLE that was created for multiple consumers.

Action: Either set the RETRY_DELAY to zero or create the queue in a queue table that is not created for multiple consumers.

ORA-24039: queue name not created in queue table for multiple consumers

Cause: An ADD_SUBSCRIBER, REMOVE_SUBSCRIBER or an ENQUEUE with a non-empty recipient list was issued on a queue that has not been created for mutliple consumers.

Action: Create the queue in a queue table that has been created for multiple consumers and retry the call.

ORA-24041: propagation schedule exists for QUEUE name and DESTINATION name

Cause: A SCHEDULE_PROPAGATION was issued for a queue and destination pair which has an existing propagation schedule.

Action: Issue UNSCHEDULE_PROPAGATION to remove the existing schedule and then reissue the SCHEDULE_PROPAGATION call.

ORA-24042: no propagation schedule exists for QUEUE name and DESTINATION name

Cause: AN UNSCHEDULE_PROPAGATION was issued for a queue and destination pair which has no existing propagation schedule.

Action: Verify the spelling of the specified QUEUE and DESTINATION and then reissue the call with the correct spelling.

ORA-24043: destination name uses a reserved name, names with AQ$_ prefix are not valid

Cause: An attempt was made to specify a reserved name for a destination.

Action: Enter a different value or NULL for the local destination. Then retry the operation.

ORA-24044: source name and destination name object types do not match

Cause: A message recipient's queue has a different object structure than the sender's queue. The message cannot be propagated.

Action: Either remove the recipient from the subscriber's list for the sender's queue or create the destination queue with an object type that matches the source queue's object type.

ORA-24045: invalid agent address num, agent address should be of the form [SCHEMA.]NAME[@DATABASE LINK]

Cause: An invalid value was specified for the agent address parameter.

Action: Specify a string of the form [SCHEMA.]NAME[@DATABASE LINK].

ORA-24046: protocol attribute reserved for future use

Cause: The protocol attribute of the AQ agent object type is reserved for future use.

Action: Do not specify the protocol attribute in the agent object type.

ORA-24047: invalid agent name name, agent name should be of the form NAME

Cause: An invalid value was specified for the agent name parameter.

Action: Specify a string of the form NAME. Then retry the operation.



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