Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0.4






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12000-12099: Table Snapshot Messages

This section lists messages generated when table snapshots are accessed.

ORA-12000: a snapshot log already exists on table name

Cause: An attempt was made to create a snapshot log on a table that already has a snapshot log. Each master table can have only one snapshot log.

Action: All snapshots on a table can use the same snapshot log for that table. To make changes to the existing log, use the ALTER SNAPSHOT LOG command or drop the snapshot log and create it again.

ORA-12001: cannot create log: table name already has a trigger

Cause: An attempt was made to create a snapshot log on a table when the table already had an AFTER ROW trigger. Snapshot logs are filled by an AFTER ROW trigger on the master table, so the trigger cannot be created.

Action: If it is necessary to create a snapshot log, drop the current trigger on the master table.

ORA-12002: there is no snapshot log on table name

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a snapshot that does not exist.

Action: Check spelling, syntax, and use an existing snapshot name.

ORA-12003: snapshot name does not exist

Cause: An attempt was made to reference a snapshot that does not exist.

Action: Check the name of the snapshot in the statement for typing errors. Retry the statement with an existing snapshot name.

ORA-12004: REFRESH FAST cannot be used

Cause: An attempt to fast refresh a snapshot was made when the master table for the snapshot has no snapshot log, or the snapshot log cannot be used.

Action: To REFRESH FAST, first create a snapshot log on the master table. Otherwise, use the REFRESH COMPLETE option of the ALTER SNAPSHOT command. If these options are omitted, Oracle decides the appropriate method for refreshing.

ORA-12005: may not schedule automatic refresh for times in the past

Cause: An attempt was made to schedule an automated snapshot refresh for a time in the past.

Action: Choose a time in the future instead.

ORA-12006: a snapshot with the same already exists

Cause: An attempt was made to create a snapshot with the name of an existing snapshot.

Action: Create the snapshot using a different name or drop the existing snapshot.

ORA-12007: snapshot reuse parameters are inconsistent

Cause: During Import or Export, the CREATE SNAPSHOT or CREATE SNAPSHOT LOG.. REUSE command was given inconsistent parameters immediately after the REUSE.

Action: Other messages will accompany this message. Examine the other messages for a more complete description of the problem.

ORA-12008: error in snapshot refresh path

Cause: Table SNAP$_<snapshot_name> reads rows from the view MVIEW$_<snapshot_name>, which is a view on the master table (the master may be at a remote site). Any error in this path will cause this error at refresh time. For fast refreshes, the table <master_owner>.MLOG$_<master> is also referenced.

Action: Examine the other returned messages to find the problem. See if the objects SNAP$_<snapshot_name>, MVIEW$_<snapshot_name>, <mowner>.<master>@<dblink>, <mowner>.MLOG$_<master>@<dblink> still exist.

ORA-12009: snapshots may not contain long columns

Cause: An attempt was made to create a snapshot with a long column.

Action: Do not attempt to create snapshot logs with long columns.

ORA-12010: cannot create snapshot log on table owned by SYS

Cause: CREATE SNAPSHOT LOG attempts to create a trigger on the table, but triggers can not be created on SYS tables.

Action: Do not create snapshot logs on SYS tables.

ORA-12011: execution of name jobs failed

Cause: Some kind of error was caught in DBMS_IJOB.RUN. One or more jobs that were due to be run produced errors that they could not handle.

Action: Look at the alert log for details on which jobs failed and why.

ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job name

Cause: Some kind of error was caught while doing an automatic execute of a job.

Action: Look at the accompanying errors for details on why the execute failed.

ORA-12013: updatable snapshots must be simple enough to do fast refresh

Cause: The updatable snapshot query statement is specified with a join, subquery, union, CONNECT BY, ORDER BY, or GROUP BY.

Action: Specify a simpler snapshot statement. If a join is needed, create multiple simple snapshots, and then create a view on top of the multiple snapshots.

ORA-12014: table name does not contain a primary key constraint

Cause: The CREATE SNAPSHOT LOG command was issued with the WITH PRIMARY KEY option and the master table does not contain a primary key constraint or the constraint is disabled.

Action: Reissue the command using only the WITH ROWID option, create a primary key constraint on the master table, or enable an existing primary key constraint.

ORA-12015: cannot create a fast refresh snapshot from a complex query

Cause: Neither ROWIDs and nor primary key constraints are supported for complex queries.

Action: Reissue the command with the REFRESH FORCE or REFRESH COMPLETE option or create a simple snapshot.

ORA-12016: snapshot does not include all primary key columns

Cause: The query that instantiates the snapshot does not include all of the columns in the master's primary key constraint.

Action: Include all of the master's primary key columns in the snapshot query or create a ROWID snapshot.

ORA-12017: cannot alter primary key snapshot name to a ROWID snapshot

Cause: Conversion of a primary key snapshot to a ROWID snapshot is not supported.

Action: Create a new snapshot or drop and recreate the snapshot.

ORA-12018: following error encountered during code generation for

Cause: The refresh operations for the indicated snapshot could not be regenerated due to errors. See following error text.

Action: Correct the indicated problem and repeat the operation.

ORA-12019: master table is a synonym to a remote object

Cause: Snapshot of remote synonyms or snapshot logs on remote synonym are not supported.

Action: Do not create the snapshot or snapshot log on a remote synonym.

ORA-12020: snapshot name is not registered

Cause: Attempt to unregister a snapshot that is not registered.

Action: Nothing needs to be done.

ORA-12021: snapshot is corrupt

Cause: The snapshot indicated is no longer valid.

Action: Contact your customer support representative.

ORA-12022: snapshot log on already has ROWID

Cause: Snapshot log on the indicated table already has ROWID information.

Action: No action required.

ORA-12023: missing index on snapshot\

Cause: The specified ROWID snapshot does not have the required index on the ROWID column of its underlying table.

Action: The snapshot is corrupted. Drop and recreate the snapshot.

ORA-12024: snapshot log on does not have primary key columns

Cause: Snapshot log on the indicated table does not have primary key information.

Action: Add primary keys to snapshot log using the ALTER SNAPSHOT command.

ORA-12025: snapshot log on already has primary keys

Cause: Snapshot log on the indicated table already has primary key columns.

Action: No action required.

ORA-12026: invalid filter column detected

Cause: One or more of the specified filter columns does not exist or is a primary key column.

Action: Ensure that all specified filter columns exist in the master table and ensure that primary key columns are not included in the list of filter columns.

ORA-12027: duplicate filter column

Cause: One or more of the specified filter columns is already recorded in the snapshot log.

Action: Describe the snapshot log table and reissue the SQL command specifying the filter columns that are already recorded in the snapshot log.

ORA-12028: snapshot type is not support by master site name.

Cause: Pre-Oracle8 master sites are not able to support primary key or subquery snapshots that are able to perform a fast refresh.

Action: Create a ROWID snapshot or use a master table from an Oracle8 site.

ORA-12029: LOB columns may not be used as filter columns

Cause: LOB columns may not be used as filter columns.

Action: Remove LOB columns from the filter columns list and retry the command.

ORA-12030: cannot create a fast refresh snapshot

Cause: The snapshot log does not exist or does not log the information needed by the snapshot to perform a fast refresh.

Action: Ensure that the snapshot log exists and logs the necessary information. For ROWID snapshots, the master table's ROWID must be logged. For primary key, snapshots the master table's primary key columns must be logged. For subquery snapshots filter, primary key, and ROWID values must all be logged.

ORA-12031: cannot use primary key columns from snapshot log on

Cause: The snapshot log either does not have primary columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the primary key columns is more recent than the last refresh time.

Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh.

ORA-12032: cannot use ROWID column from snapshot log on

Cause: The snapshot log either does not have primary columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the primary key columns is more recent than the last refresh time.

Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh.

ORA-12033: cannot use filter columns from snapshot log on

Cause: The snapshot log either does not have primary columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the primary key columns is more recent than the last refresh time.

Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh.

ORA-12034: snapshot log on more recent than last refresh

Cause: The snapshot log is more recent than the last refresh and cannot be used for fast refresh. The snapshot log is more recent than the last refresh.

Action: Perform a complete refresh of the snapshot before attempting another fast refresh.

ORA-12035: could not use snapshot log on

Cause: The snapshot log does not exist or cannot be used for fast refresh.

Action: Perform a complete refresh of the snapshot before attempting another fast refresh. If a snapshot log does exist and the snapshot is capable of fast refresh, then the snapshot will be fast refreshable once the complete refresh is performed.

ORA-12036: updatable snapshot log is not empty, refresh snapshot

Cause: The updatable snapshot log must be empty before an updatable ROWID snapshot can be altered to a primary key snapshot.

Action: Ensure that updatable snapshot log is empty by refreshing the snapshot before converting the updatable ROWID snapshot to a primary key snapshot.

ORA-12037: unknown export format

Cause: An attempt was made to import a snapshot exported by an unknown export version (e.g., from a newer release than the importing site).

Action: Re-export the file using a version of export known by the importing site.

ORA-12038: string literal has unexpected length

Cause: Corrupt or invalid information was detected during import of a snapshot.

Action: Ensure that the export log file has not been corrupted and that no errors were raised during export. Contact customer support if the problem persists.

ORA-12039: unable to use local rollback segment name

Cause: A local rollback segment was specified in the CREATE SNAPSHOT command, but automatic refresh parameters were not specified. Therefore, a refresh group was not created to automatically refresh the snapshot and the local rollback segment cannot be registered for future use.

Action: Either supply the automatic refresh parameters so that a refresh group will be created or do not specify a local rollback segment.

ORA-12040: master rollback segment option not support by master site name

Cause: The master site of the current snapshot does not allow users to specify a rollback segment to be used for snapshot operations. This feature is only supported by Oracle8 or later master sites.

Action: Do not specify a master rollback segment in the current operation or choose a new master site.

ORA-12041: cannot record ROWIDs for index-organized table

Cause: Index-organized tables do not have ROWIDs. Therefore a snapshot log that records the ROWIDs of an index-organized table cannot be created.

Action: Do not include the WITH ROWID option when using the CREATE SNAPSHOT command and do not include the ADD ROWID option when using the ALTER SNAPSHOT command if the master table is index-organized.

ORA-12042: cannot alter JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES in single process mode

Cause: An attempt was made to alter the value of JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES This is not allowed in single process mode since there is no concept of detached processes.

Action: Do not attempt to set JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES in single process mode.



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