From:	BNLHI2::VIDEBAEK     "FLEMMING VIDEBAEK (516)-344-4106" 13-JUN-1997 16:49:37.10
Subj:	announcement on BRAHMS meeting on centrality detector

Dear BRAHMS Collaborator,

This note is to announce a meeting at BNL on June 27 to discuss
options for the BRAHMS centrality detector. 
One goal is to decide whether to
proceed with either the Si strip detector or plastic scintillator
options for the multiplicity measurement. Another is to determine the 
scope of the detector for initial running. The role of the 
centrality detector to help develop a fast trigger, its role
for vertex localization, and its role in light-ion and pp reactions
will also be discussed. Enclosed is a preliminary list of issues/criteria
which should be considered for the centrality detector.

Collaborators wishing to participate in this discussion are 
encouraged to attend.  A more detailed agenda will be sent later.

					Flemming Videbaek
					Steve Sanders


- Dynamic range - needs and what is possible

- eta and phi coverage and segmentation

- expected resolution in dm/m for central AuAu, peripheral AuAu and central
  SiSi reactions.

- capabilities and means to make level0 or level1 trigger.

- background both in detector, and influence on other elements, notably
  M-TPC1 (maybe also beam/beam counters)

- potential noise, pickup, ground loops

- electronics/HV needs

- cost