Dear BRAHMS Collaborator

The time for the collaboration meeting is nearing rapidly
so here follows some information as well as a preliminary 
agenda regarding the meeting.
If you want to add to the agenda please tell me such that it can
be finalized by the end of the week. Should a particular approximate
time slot also turn out to be inconvenient please do also alert me for a


In addition to the collaboration meeting itself there is an opportunity to
arrange working meeting on specific detector and computing issues. 

Since BRAHMS is moving into major construction of detector components an
important task is to hear and discuss the different detector components,
discuss priorities. Further time should be devoted to discussion 
of physics.

Issues for meeting:

- Status of construction.

- Status and plans for detectors. This should emphasize
      -decisions still to be made
      -time scale
      -anticipated problems/concerns
      -tests results & plans

- Report from software workshops.

- Physics capabilities.

- BRAHMS run plans for first RHIC years.

preliminary agenda

      AGENDA for BRAHMS collboration meeting
              August 25-26 at BNL
        Brookhaven National Laboratory.

The meeting will take place in the 3 floor conference room in the Physcis

Monday August 25

10.00 FV    
        Welcome and practical comments(FV)
FV (60min)
          Present status (construction, collaboration, funding)
          TAC questions, MOU's 
          management issues -
            reporting requirements
            funding for coming year, priorities
DBeavis (60 min)
       Status and plans for infrastructure, area layout
       General detector issues
          -safety considerations
          -documentation requiements (drawings...)
          -requirements for cables/ gas/ enviromental controls

12.30 Lunch

14.00     Detector session (status, plans, decisions,...
14.00  Sanders (60 -90min)
          Centrality Detector options, preference
R.Debbe (30 min)
          Cherenkov Detectors

Z.Majka (45 min)
        Drift Chamber layout and status
Bearden/Beavis (30 min)
          Magnet status

17.30  Adjourn

19.00  Collaboration Dinner somewhere

Tuesday August 26

9.30      Detectors

Gardhoje/Videbaek( 20min)
        TPC construction/ TPC electronics -interface status
        H1,H2 (20 min)

        Beam-Beam (15 min)

        TOFW (15 min)

Ashktorab (20 min)
      DAQ development and plans.

Hagel (30 min)
      offline software progress and plans
      -meeting summaries; RCF status
      -listservers/web pages
Helstrup (30 min)
      datastructures & dataflows.
Discussion (30 min)
      RICH and DAQ in ALEPH (20 min)
JHLee   (30 min)
      2-particle correlation in Forward Spectrometer (30 min)
Beavis/ Videbaek (45 min)
      End game & First year running plan (45 min)

Gaardhoje/Videbaek (30 min)
      Summary and conclusions
      -Future meetings


- at present is planned a continuing discussion of
   BRAHMS software issues.      


If you will need housing on-site for this meeting and need help please contact
Arlene Rementer ( as soon as possible so we can 
check for availability. If you have arranged housing on your own could
you please inform Arlene on the expected arrival and departure dates.

If you do not already have a visitor appointment with BNL with a valid
ID card could you also contact Arlene ahead of time so the preliminary paper
work can be done. At the time of your visit the formalities can then be settled
in about 3/4 hour. It is important for visitor and collaborators to have a 
valid visitor appointment and ID badge to make you access to BNL smooth.

best regards