Announcement The meeting to discuss progress and finalize plans for the Centrality Detector will take place at BNL on December 19, 1997 in room 2-160 in the Physics department. The preliminary schedule is 9.30 Introduction/Status of Brahms (FV) 10.00 Strip detector tests (SJS) 11.00 Tile/Fiber tests (YKL) 11.45 Hybrid geometry+recent GEANT simulations (SJS) 12.30 Break 14.00 Costs & schedule(SJS/YKL) 15.00 Mounting scheme (SJS) 16.00 Discussion of options- pros/cons 17.00 Summary (FV) workplan and management. For comments on the centrality detectors whether you plan to come or not do not hesitate to send these to S.Sanders, YKLee or F.Videbaek so they can be considered.