Conceptual Design Report for the BRAHMS Experiment

******* Update: July 1995 *******

New! The updated report, with a preface describing the changes. (Some figures of the 2 O'clock Hall may be missing.)

******* Original: October 1994 *******

Available is the original full report, which includes all figures and tables, and occupies 21.2 megabytes of Postscript. Be warned that Figs. 5.1 (p. 38), 5.2 (p. 39), 5.4 (p. 43), 6.11 (p. 65) and 8.1 (p. 86) may take a long time to print. Also available is a 7.7 megabyte shorter version which is missing only Figs. 5.1, 5.2 and 5.4.

Collaboration List & Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Physics Overview

Chapter 3: Detector Overview

Chapter 4: Magnets

Chapter 5: Facilities and Experimental Layout

Chapter 6: Tracking

Chapter 7: Particle Identification

Chapter 8: Global Detectors

Chapter 9: Data Acquisition and Triggers

Chapter 10: Cost and Schedule

Appendix A: Prototype RICH Test Results

Appendix B: Simuation Programs

Appendix C: Rate Estimates

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